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The Basics of Lokan Lore


Well-Known Member
You are part of a great saga, one with a deep and complex history. Whether you have been one of us for a hundred years or a single day, the choices you make will affect your life, and your life will affect our story. Will you be our next great hero or noble king? Will you be known for the cities you build from the ground, or will stories of your prowess as a warrior be told throughout Loka? Will you be a scholar, studying history in the library and teach others, or you will you be a combination of everything I’ve mentioned? The choices are yours. Listen now, young one, to your history.



The people Loka have seen five worlds. The first is called the World of the Three Sisters, the World of the Artifact, or simply the First World. The second is called Loka, The Abandoned World, or the Second World. The third, fourth, and fifth are merely called by the numerical names, The Third World, the Fourth World, and the Fifth World.


Knives are teleportation devices used to “slice” through space. They are said to be alien technology, and difficult to reproduce.

Recall Devices are used by Slicers to return to their bases after using Knives. The Artifact blocks their use.

Harvesters are devices used by the Slicer government to destroy dead planets and asteroids and gather their resources.

The Artifact is a device assumed to have been created by the mysterious Ancients. It prevents us from dying permanently or using recall devices.

Key Characters and Affiliations

The Slicers are scientists who study foreign worlds using Knives. They typically slice in teams of twelve and use recall devices to return to their base. Over time, the term Slicer has come to mean any denizen of Loka who arrived from another world. Many Slicers have become trapped by the Artifact.

(Note: “Slicer” has become an honorary rank, and not all those with the mechanical Slicer rank are RP Slicers, or vise versa.)

Guardians are beings of great power who existed on the World of the Three Sisters long before the first Slicers. They are believed to have been evil, and were placed in an enchanted sleep in chambers far beneath the ground. Some of them were awoken by Asymptonic. Since then, all Guardians have learned their power from the original four or those taught by them.

Little is known about The Ancients. It is assumed they are the ones who created the Artifact and placed the Guardians in their chambers. Who they are and what they want are unknown to use. We only know they are very powerful.

Aesir are the Gods of Asgard. Vanir are the Gods of Vanaheim. More information can be found about them in Chronicles by Cryptite. The books can be found in the Aladra Library.

Asymptonic was the leader of the team who first sliced to the World of the Three Sisters. His team discovered the Artifact. He also awoke the first five Guardians.

Preksak was a Slicer who worked on the same base as Asymptonic. They were rivals, however, and Preksak was jealous of Asymptonic’s success with the Knives. This rivalry turned into hate, and he became determined to kill Asymptonic and his people, the Lokans.

Cryptite was a Vanir god who was banished for giving part of his powers to Preksak in order save his life. For this offence, the Aesir took his powers and memories from him and banished him to The Abandoned World.

Freyjia is a Vanir goddess of Asgard. She assisted Cryptite in fighting Preksak during the Battle of the Spire by gifting him two items, the sword Lævateinn and the Cloak of Flight, along with the memories necessary to use them.


The World of the Three Sisters

The first Slicers arrived on The First World by a Knife. They quickly discovered the Artifact and that this device would not let them use their recall devices. Eventually, they realised they could also not die permanently. The other original Slicers, save Asymptonic, ventured off into the wild and went insane. Asy stayed and welcomed new Slicers who were sent to search for his team.

Once he came across a chamber with two men standing, frozen. Asy awoke them, and nursed them back to health. These were the first Guardians. Two others were awoken as well. (DiabolicalMech, mopb3, Gallazius, and Magpieman. All later Guardians would learn their powers from the first four.) Guided by Asy and the Guardians, civilization began to arise, and the prisoners no longer hated their prison. It was a haven.

However, Preksak found where Asy’s team had sliced to. He arrived there and used stolen Harvesters to begin destroying the world. Asy and his people found the Knife Preksak had used to arrive there, and used it to teleport to the base on which he had worked. They sliced again using the Knife there, and found themselves on top of a pyramid in a sprawling desert on a New World...

But Preksak was left on the on the World of the Three Sisters. A wandering Vanir found him, and upon seeing his situation granted the man part of his own power to escape the dying world. This Vanir would be confronted by the Aesir for doing the forbidden, was stripped of his power and memory, and was banished.

The Abandoned World

The people called this new world Loka. Here, they were safe for awhile. The fallen Vanir, now called Cryptite, created a city by the name of Asgard, which became a haven of neutrality.

However, Preksak found this world and had intentions of destroying it. trapped Asymptonic high above the Spire, as he and Cryptite fought. With the help of the goddess Freyjia, Cryptite stopped Preksak, and only the Spire was destroyed. This event is known was the Battle of the Spire.

This world ended with a disease called The Blight. A mysterious Obelisk appeared, and despite warnings to leave it alone, it was opened and it released the Blight. Sickness spread until we knew it was time to escape. Cryptite and Asymptonic managed to turn the Spawn Tower into a Knife and we soon found ourselves on a new world.

The Third World

The Third World was but a temporary home to the Lokans. Ghosts roamed this world, and earthquakes shook it frequently. Unrest filled the air as they knew they could not remain here. The Lokans managed to escape using the Knife in the tower to find a new, more permanent home.

The Fourth World

This world was the home to the Lokans for a long time. It saw the arrival of many new Lokans, several great cities, and the first territory wars.

After years of safety, Preksak returned. He weakened the Artifact and destroyed generator protection. As Preksak used harvesters to rip it apart in a similar fashion to the destruction of the World of the Three Sisters, the Lokans engaged in a battle for their lives.

The Fifth World

The Fifth World, the World of Aladra and the three continents, is where the Lokans escaped after their great battle with Preksak, narrowly escaping death. It appeared other Slicers, the people of Aladra, had arrived on this world, but their Knife was broken. Here, territory wars continue to be fought, towns and alliances trying to control vital resources. The story will go on.


Real-Life Dates

The World of the Three Sisters, (and the server,) began on February 14th, 2011. It ended on September 26th, 2011.

The Second World began on September 26th, 2011, and ended on July 14th, 2013.

The Third World began July 14th, 2013, and ended December 7th, 2013.

The Fourth World began on December 7th, 2013, and ended on September 19, 2015.

The Fifth World began on September 19, 2015, through present day.


Generations are a way of classing when people joined the server, or when their character came to be on Loka. The first generation is the eldest, those who have joined near the very beginning. The youngest generation is the sixth, and as the current generation, its ranks are still expanding.

The First generation consists of players who joined during the First World.
(February 26, 2011 - December 3, 2011)

The Second generation’s boundaries are from the beginning of the Second World until the Battle of the Spire.
(December 3, 2011 - December 2, 2012)

The Third generation began at the the Battle of the Spire and grew until the end of the Third World.
(December 2, 2012 - December 7, 2013)

The Fourth Generation is made up of those who joined during the Fourth World.
(December 7, 2013 - September 19, 2015)

The Fifth Generation lasted from the beginning of the Fifth World until the release of Conquest 2.
(September 19, 2015 - August 2, 2016)

The Sixth generation began with the release of Conquest 2 and ended with the release of Conquest 3.
(August 2, 2016 - March 28, 2018)

The Seventh generation is still expanding, and any who joined after the release of Conquest 3 is classified as Seventh gen.
(March 28, 2018 - Present)


Lokans have survived everything set against us, every attack from Preksak, every opposition we have faced. Our trials have made us stronger and wiser. We have survived to tell this tale, and this tale is told. But it is ever growing, and now it's your turn.

Who are you? Where do you come from? When did you arrive? What will you do? What mark will you leave in history? What will your legacy be?
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So yes, this is some basic information about Lokan Lore! If anyone has any questions, I'd be happy to answer, and if I don't know, I will scour the depths of the Earth to find them for you. :)

I would like to write some more complicated information in the future about Lokan Lore. If anyone has requests for topics, I will write about them! A more detailed lore-history? The history around big and important towns? Any lore you'd like to learn about, I'd like to write about.

Thank you, and enjoy the story.
Ah, so nice of you to put this together. Can it be transferred easily to the Wiki?

Most of what I've written is scattered about. By reading every page on the wiki, every forum post, every book in the library, and hearing stories from older players I've managed to assemble a good understanding of the history. Most places have some holes. (history of the server wiki page is amazing though) This has holes too, as it's just a very basic thing. My point is I wanted to write all of what I've gathered over the years in one place so others for have to search far and wide like I did. :P

I don't even remember what I was getting at. Gah.
How did the Lokans escape into the Fifth World when Preksak began to destroy the Fourth World with the Harvesters? Did Preksak arrive with a Knife when he came to wreak his havoc, to then have the Lokans make their escape with it? Or were they transported by some other means? I thought I saw somewhere that the Artifact itself rescued them, but I'm not sure.
How did the Lokans escape into the Fifth World when Preksak began to destroy the Fourth World with the Harvesters? Did Preksak arrive with a Knife when he came to wreak his havoc, to then have the Lokans make their escape with it? Or were they transported by some other means? I thought I saw somewhere that the Artifact itself rescued them, but I'm not sure.
Preksak arrived on the first world via a knife, and they used that knife to escape. After Prek gained some of Crypt's powers, I think it's implied he no longer needed a knife to get around.

Our main spawn building used to be a tower, which was converted into a Knife a few times in order to escape worlds. From 2-3 and 3-4 it stayed with us, but I believe the Tower was left in the End after our battle with Preksak.
Been catching up on the Loka lore, and this has been SUPER helpful. Thanks for compiling this Jedoi!

Two questions:
- Can a "knife" theoretically be anything? If someone were to reproduce the technology, could they make the knife a small item, or would it have to be big enough to house the actual Slicers, like a building?
- Is there any record of what the Harvesters physically look like? Or what happens to the worlds as they gather its resources/destroy it?
Can a "knife" theoretically be anything? If someone were to reproduce the technology, could they make the knife a small item, or would it have to be big enough to house the actual Slicers, like a building?

A knife can't be anything, no. There is a knife in Aladra which, I believe, looked like one that was used in the past. There also used to be a knife in the old slicer course, and it was a large room with a pressure plate in the middle, that was also considered a knife. The third type of knife I can think of is when the old Spawn Tower was turned into a knife to escape the Blight. There are bigger ones, like the large room and the Tower, and smaller ones, like the one in Aladra. I believe for the most part they follow some sort of design, and they have to be big enough for the slicers to walk into/onto them.

Is there any record of what the Harvesters physically look like?
I haven't seen any pictures myself. That doesn't mean there aren't any, but I'm not sure.

Or what happens to the worlds as they gather its resources/destroy it?

Harvesters were mainly used to break apart dead asteroids. The worlds are, well, broken apart as they're hit nonstop by lightning. (I might be able to find screenshots or a video!)