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The Bastion of Patience


Well-Known Member
The Bastion of Patience


As High King of Edgewind, I'm happy to announce that after almost a year of hard work, laziness and inactivity, The Great Cathedral of Edgewind is finally complete. This is quite possibly the build that I'm most proud of, in total it took a team of 6 people and 11 days to design, and then.. 10 months to build in-game. I love and hate this build, there are a few things I see now in the build and question my sanity but there is no way in hell I would ever change anything about the build because of how insane it has already driven me.

I'd like to thank the amazing people who stuck by me and helped me to create this, I really couldn't have done it without them:



In the future, once Edgewind is more fleshed out I will be allowing people to use this cathedral for events, we will offer decoration, organization, etc. but for now, wait patiently, good things are coming, stay tuned.​


My building skills are subzero... but I still recognize your hard work, and this is hella amazing :V