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Suggestion The End Game


Well-Known Member
Hey so this post isn't a complex concept or detailed suggestion or whatever, and I assume it's probably already being planned, but do we have any plans to implement a custom feature into the End? It's obviously a bit bland at the moment, being Vanilla, except with a tiny world border and no loot chests or elytra ships.

Staff, any plans/hints? ;)

Players, any suggestions/ideas?

I'd personally love for there to be a way to loot End Cities... I have always loved finding chests in them. With Loka's regen code, I'm not sure how possible that is, though, we don't exactly want people writing coords down and raiding a place again and again. A cool dungeon would be fun too, maybe something a bit different from the Dreadfort!
I can confirm there are plans in place for upgrading the End. However I wouldn't expect it anytime soon. While some work on the End has been done, it's not currently being worked on, as we feel there are more important server features that need our attention. (this is the case with numerous features) Nothing is set in stone yet though, so I welcome suggestions on what everyone would like added/changed in the End.
I can confirm there are plans in place for upgrading the End. However I wouldn't expect it anytime soon. While some work on the End has been done, it's not currently being worked on, as we feel there are more important server features that need our attention. (this is the case with numerous features) Nothing is set in stone yet though, so I welcome suggestions on what everyone would like added/changed in the End.
Maybe a custom mob similar to the unphased skeleton?
I can confirm there are plans in place for upgrading the End. However I wouldn't expect it anytime soon. While some work on the End has been done, it's not currently being worked on, as we feel there are more important server features that need our attention. (this is the case with numerous features) Nothing is set in stone yet though, so I welcome suggestions on what everyone would like added/changed in the End.
Lovely! I agree other features take priority, and since it's not super far ij the planning stage we can throw stupid ideas in, woot! Maybe even some good ones! Lol

Maybe a custom mob similar to the unphased skeleton?
The what now? Unphased skeleton?

Yo what about a custom dragon fight like with the wither :O
@NerdieBirdieYT I believe Steve means the skeleton that teleports in the nether.

As for additional content to the end I'd really appreciate if the new end had generally more custom mobs e.g. a lamp or something that spawned endermite around it in dungeons
maybe a similar feeling dungeon to the Dreadfort, however, this dungeon could have a floating island basis and have similar sized islands to itself around it that have maybe some newly implemented mobs or features.
maybe a similar feeling dungeon to the Dreadfort, however, this dungeon could have a floating island basis and have similar sized islands to itself around it that have maybe some newly implemented mobs or features.
I could see a non-maze format working well, getting harder as you go deeper