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The Famy Challenge! + Livestream


"I should say... You being here in iron is a terrible idea." -Crypt

Introducing The Famy Challenge!
Livestream happening @6est PM today!
I got inspiration for this from the many times I've d- ahem unsuccessfully come back from an RI.
Goal: Gather 64 diamonds from an RI while wearing iron armor the whole time.
Details: You can carry anything else, including diamonds tools. But you have to wear iron armor the whole time. The only way to prove you've done this is by recording yourself from start to finish proving that you came without any diamonds and wore iron the whole time. I highly recommend using OBS Studio to record!
Livestream: I'll be livestreaming myself trying to complete this challenge @6Est PM today! Yes I'm probably going to get stream sniped but that's the fun of it! XD
Prize: If you complete this goal you will recieve 64 diamonds! Wow it's like you mined it! Actually though, I will provide a specially written book (page or so) tailored to your adventure! Each prize is therefore unique! Good luck and best wishes!


Well-Known Member
Pff some of us used to not have iron.

I would go with nothing on and build up my armor once I got there


> I only ever wear iron to the RI >.>

<---- Same, but I've never been able to mine 64 diamonds...


Active Member
Here's my entry, but now y'all have to do the ModernMozart challenge. mine 2 stacks of diamonds with iron gear and my settings
Good luck :D

EDIT: I just noticed that the sounds are super out of sync in my video, idk why. I must have messed up while editing


Active Member
dang, you definitely used a lot more gear than me, it didn't even occur to me to bring a recall stone, pots, pearls, an enderchest, and a totem of undying. Now you just need to do the ModernMozart challenge, rules stated above. also, that's a neat texture pack. do you have a download link for it? I would really appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
dang, you definitely used a lot more gear than me, it didn't even occur to me to bring a recall stone, pots, pearls, an enderchest, and a totem of undying. Now you just need to do the ModernMozart challenge, rules stated above. also, that's a neat texture pack. do you have a download link for it? I would really appreciate it.
Lol Thanks, and It's a private one so I can't sorry