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The Islands

Should I rewrite this in third person?

  • Yes, its wierd

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, it fits your story

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • I accidentally added this option and I don't know how to delete it

    Votes: 4 57.1%

  • Total voters


New Member

You all may know me as Ben, the trickster, master of secrets, king of the skies, or that annoying guy with a bow. Some know that I've been a member of Auru for a long time (in fact Nokia was wondering why I wasn't an owner yet, *cough cough Ajax cough*) but to others I'm relatively new. This is my story of how my home and how I was taken to this strange new world I've come to accept.

My story starts in a lonelier world, lacking beautiful landscape that my new home possesses. The world was islands. Stretching to the horizon as far as one could see, islands. Now let me clarify these weren't any lokan islands these were floating mountains held up by who knows what. My world was unknown and that was the way it was wanted. These weathered islands held even more so weathered people, they accepted the way things were and outcast those who didn’t. Quickly I learned to live on my own. I took refuge in a island's cave, a temporary oasis for as long as the sun shone. But at dusk my shelter became the bane of my efforts, for as if this world wasn't cruel enough monsters began to scuffle out of the shadows forcing me stay alert, constantly on the move, and gathering the food I needed for the next day. I carried this habit on for many seasons growing faster and quicker every night. I learned to hunt in the twilight ever so slowly growing more and more savage. I discovered the miners of this world in a town about three Nauts(nautical miles) due east of my cavern. They had immense excesses of supplies that I liberated ,at first, every now and then, but due my greedy I became heavily dependent. But quickly they began to notice, my innocent face walking down their elevated streets now began to turn heads. One night I was careless, while sneaking into an unlocked house I knocked a glass bottle off of the table alerting there neighbors. I was caught in the act and banished from the town that I had relied on. Thirsty for more adventure I decided to leave the relative safety of my island’s cave and look for more. However this proved to be much more difficult than anticipated. Building bridges was useful but also costly and time consuming, no use for large distances. I instead decided to test the magic pearls I had "liberated" from the miners’ village. Upon being thrown they transported me across the endless void separating all land. Long ago I would have been fearful of the endless drop, (some said you’d fall forever, others claimed you’d freeze to death after awhile, I never tested for myself) I flew across these deadly gaps wandering who knows where. After several days I began to grow weary I feared this desire had doomed me but alas I found it. I had no idea what I was looking for I just knew that I had outgrown my cave and that there was more of this world to explore, but upon seeing the port I knew that I’d made the right decision. In a gap between 4 islands stood a series of bridges, platforms, and barracks, all very captivating, but in the center stood the most impressive object of it all.
images 6.35.47 PM.jpg
Stretching over a Naut across, more sails than i'de ever seen, this warship captivated my essence. I knew I had to get closer. Using my ill-gained talents I slowly snuck past the torch lit posts to the barracks where many of the off duty soldiers were. Taking my chances and letting my curiosity get the best of me I silently ran across the bridges dangling above endless nothingness. Once again intruded into others quarters just to satisfy my own curiosity. I was quick but not quick enough, I turned around into the arms of a large guard who immediately grabbed me and dragged me out to the other soldiers, “You know what happens when people steal from us?”

“Im sorry, you don't understand-“

“Save it kid”

They brought me to their captain planning to punish me for crimes against the confederation. But instead the Captain saw potential: “You, what is your name”

“They call me Ben”

“How would you like to pay your debts a deckhand on The HMAS Aurora, fighting for the good thats left in this world."

Are you offering me a job?” I said questioningly

“Im offering you a life.”
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Amazing! I'm really glad you wrote a backstory and I was completely immersed from the first few sentences!