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The Monthly Upper Sylvan Lottery | New Lottery! Come buy a ticket! Stall is open!


Well-Known Member
Hello beautiful Lokans, today, Upper Sylvis will be announcing the start of the Monthly Upper Sylvan Lottery!

How to join? This is a simple process for Simple people, head over to the Enchanted Books Chest in the Lokan Marketplace, located at -90, 60, 68 in Aladra! The winner for the Lottery will be announced in this thread, as well as DMed on Discord. The winner will receive 90% of the money made from Ticket Sales. Every month, starting from the First, a new lottery season will start, with the chance of a new winner. The more you pay, the higher your chances at winning.

1 ticket will cost 64 Shards. The first winner will be announced September 30th, 2021. Good luck to you all! Capture.PNG
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Well-Known Member
The current prize is 2189 shards! Or 34.2 Cores! If you want a chance at winning this prize, make sure to buy a ticket from the Enchanted Books Stall!


Well-Known Member
Congratulations to Z3k3__ for winning the First Upper Sylvan Lottery Jackpot of 2,247 shards. Upper Sylvan Lottery will be closed until the first of next month, so we can restock on paper, or another good. Thank you for gambling your life savings away.

The October Lottery will begin on the First of Next Month, make sure to buy up so you have a chance to win next months jackpot!