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The New Arrivals!


Hey everyone! My name is Long and it is awesome to meet you all!

Me and my brother stumbled across this server whilst looking for a new adventure to begin. Me and him are infamous for building, mining, and expanding into extreme activity - then completely vanishing (though this is mainly on my doing).

I feel this could be different though.

Still pretty new here, but from what I have seen - Loka is rather unique in it's elements, and with Conquest 2 coming out it gives me and my soon-to-be town a breather to just establish ourselves. I look forward to meeting all of you, and as do my fellow Makkoni :) - let's make this new update the best of it, together!


Well-Known Member
Welcome to Loka. We wish you the best of luck! If you need any help or have any questions, don't hesitate to ask anyone! :D


Well-Known Member
Welcome, Long! Glad to have You on Loka, and the best wishes of luck to You and your brother!


Well-Known Member
Welcome to Loka! Hope to see you around. Good luck on your travels throughout this land! If you need any help along the way just ask! :D
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