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Suggestion The Nomad Update


Well-Known Member
Towns like Eldritch have many rooms but nobody to fill them, but imagine if this wasn’t the case.

What if there was an official system where at a certain town level, owners can lease to nomads. Nomads could rent a room, house, apartment, or area in another town and the landlord can set a border where the tenants physically cannot leave that area except back to spawn using a portal set within the defined borders.

With this idea towns might decide to build entire complexes just to lease to nomads. PvP is already disabled in towns so renters would abide by the same rules as regular town members when at their residence. It would be an added rule that landlords cannot steal from tenants or enter their space once the lease is signed. Leases would be a minimum of 1.5-2weeks meaning a nomad could possibly fight for up to 2 towns every conquest month. (anyone who has a lease in a town will be counted as an active for that town)

For landlords there could be an option to have the rental payments sent directly to the tgen or into your escrow. Alternatively an update like this might call for a Loka Bank to be added to spawn. Something like this could’ve helped a town like silverhand.

For nomads that choose not to join a town or lease a safe home from a town. They would be able to settle on any NEUTRAL territory without a fight because they are one with the wilds. The tgen npc will designate them a small section of the territory that will appear as a yellow blob on the territory when you look at the map. The nomad settlement will have the same permissions as a town (you can’t open their doors if they are locked, you can’t camp them for extended periods of time etc). Probably up to 2 nomads can settle in the same territory but their settlement zones wouldn’t be generated next to each other. Nomads could obviously share homes if they wanted but wouldn’t be protected if the owner of the nomad settlement chose to steal + nomad settlements are small spots on the territory so not a ton of space and pvp is always enabled in nomad settlements. If a nomad wants to settle in a territory that is owned (not the home territory) then they must request permission from the town. If permission is granted the nomad can build their settlement in their small spot set by the tgen npc and can warp at spawn to the towns fights for as long as they are settled there. There would be a cool down on creating settlements so you can’t just make a new one to fight everywhere in the same month. If the town whose territory you settled in loses said territory your settlement remains but you are still only able to fight for the original town + reins until the month is over. It is the nomads responsibility to lock all doors or create a secure base. Outsiders wouldn’t be able to place or mine or open doors in the nomad settlement even during fights. The nomad would be tped out during fights and only allowed at spawn or to warp.

With being a nomad actually becoming a viable choice on Loka this would mean lengthening the cooldown on rejoining towns from 7 days. Being apart of a town would become more of a commitment because there’s no reason for it not to be if nomads don’t miss the action anymore.

Something else I wanted to touch on lightly was grinding and how it could be implemented in this update. If Loka were to create their own individual player stats system for grinding and pvp then there could be reward buffs that are brought along with it. Grinding for large towns is hard on Loka especially when only a few people do it. If players had individual levels when it came to grinding then it could be a lot easier. For example when you’re at level 27 for whatever skill your drops might have a higher chance of randomly increasing making grinding potion mats and pearls easier. And individuals with high grinding stats might be sought after by towns making pvpers not the only relevant people. This would go nicely with having joining towns mean more with a larger cooldown.

edit: individual stats also make room and inspiration for more unlockable titles.
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Honestly sounds awesome, would be the best way to get new players settled in a town, and if it was automatic it could get new players hooked and settled while town owner is offline
Honestly sounds awesome, would be the best way to get new players settled in a town, and if it was automatic it could get new players hooked and settled while town owner is offline
thats how i imagine it working especially if they build a physical bank and stuff
What incentive is there to join a town as a member if you're not LITERALLY a town owner/subowner?? If you're paying rent, you can't get robbed by your landlord, so there's actually less risk to renting a room in a town as opposed to joining a town.

If you join a town and get subowner and the full owner runs your 600k and all your lores, you can't do anything.

If you join a town and rent out a room, the full owner can't run your cash.

If you join a town and are full owner, you're locked to that town, that continent, and can't join any other towns for 7~ days.

If you join a town via the renting system, you aren't fully committed, you aren't locked, and you could switch sides after 2 weeks if you happened to feel like it.

There are a lot of ways to abuse the system proposed, and I don't see why we should strive to make the Nomad experience more viable. Being a Nomad in and of itself should be a negative thing, and I think we should be incentivizing people to join towns and be active contributors, not the other way around.

It's an interesting and well thought out concept to be sure, I just disagree with the idea that we should be making it a viable option to play Loka as a Nomad. The only part of this post I can confidently +1 is the last main paragraph discussing the addition of a Skill Level system, such as for Logging, Arenas, PvE, etc. Implementing the Town Levels system to the INDIVIDUAL could make grinding a lot more bearable, and as Obstinance said, it'd make grinders just as desirable as PvPers for town owners to seek out.
What incentive is there to join a town as a member if you're not LITERALLY a town owner/subowner?? If you're paying rent, you can't get robbed by your landlord, so there's actually less risk to renting a room in a town as opposed to joining a town.

If you join a town and get subowner and the full owner runs your 600k and all your lores, you can't do anything.

If you join a town and rent out a room, the full owner can't run your cash.

If you join a town and are full owner, you're locked to that town, that continent, and can't join any other towns for 7~ days.

If you join a town via the renting system, you aren't fully committed, you aren't locked, and you could switch sides after 2 weeks if you happened to feel like it.

There are a lot of ways to abuse the system proposed, and I don't see why we should strive to make the Nomad experience more viable. Being a Nomad in and of itself should be a negative thing, and I think we should be incentivizing people to join towns and be active contributors, not the other way around.

It's an interesting and well thought out concept to be sure, I just disagree with the idea that we should be making it a viable option to play Loka as a Nomad. The only part of this post I can confidently +1 is the last main paragraph discussing the addition of a Skill Level system, such as for Logging, Arenas, PvE, etc. Implementing the Town Levels system to the INDIVIDUAL could make grinding a lot more bearable, and as Obstinance said, it'd make grinders just as desirable as PvPers for town owners to seek out.
if renting a small room with limited storage and not much else to do besides conquest appeals to you, then you shouldn’t be running a town and if you fully joined one you wouldn’t be a fully functioning member any more than someone who is leasing from you. Genuinely just not many ways to abuse something like that. Most people in towns only log in for fights and you’re objecting to it being a legitimate option when it already is one. Not to mention the players leasing would only have access to the defined areas set by the landlord meaning they can’t venture all through the town and can’t warp via that towns war room. And there are rules in loka that exist and new ones can be created to combat any exploiting of the system. Also this is just an idea not how any of it will actually function when or if implemented on the server.

I also already said that the cooldown for joining the same town/alliance would have to be lengthened so it would not be 7 days.

I also said since joining towns would be a bigger decision, you can’t join back for longer. So if you decide to join a town you should be confident the owner wont run your 600k… maybe by renting a space from them and seeing how you like it first? The option to not be fully obligated to a town and still participate in the main aspects of the server allows for there to be a larger cooldown on rejoining if you decided to become a full member then left. This could have a positive impact on how stable and consistent towns member counts are. It may also fix the issue with all the 3 person towns getting thrown up and then dying.

read the entire post.
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