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The reason we are leaving

I'm really sorry that you don't feel like you can trust the Loka admins anymore - I'll be really sad to see you go.
Well... Farewell, X_Cavator and Streetz. You were awesome guys in the Vanguard 'til you left. See you around.
We were in a bow fight with our enemies and we decided to run. We reached a safe spot where we logged. I had done this EXACT same thing while Def was in vanguard with me and he said it was fine. However when I do it as an enemy of argus I am now subject to a week long ban. Keep in mind the technicality of this ban was NOT ON THE FORUMS.

Technicalities aren't a great way of arguing your point. Our rules are, overall, intentionally vague because people like to argue that the rules we have are exact and cannot be interpreted in any way other than how they're literally said on the rules page. We as admins are judges and have to judge each incident as we see them and most of our rules (except xray) are not punished equally because not all rule breaks are done so equally. We do strive to modify our rules when necessary in case of vagueness, but it doesn't change the fact that you did combat log quite obviously which is against our rules.

certain staff members such as Mopyc, were telling people that me and some of my friends had kill aura

This is unfortunate, but this is not specific to MOpyc or anyone really. An unfortunate side effect of PvP is people claiming hacks and it's a part of, well, the internets.

They also used the piston method to get into my base which was conveniently outlawed the day after the raid. They were in argus so they knew of the rule change, that's why they raided me. If the public had known about this future rule change they may have done more raids.

We didn't even discuss the modification of that rule change until after it happened and we saw what happened. That was an example of a rule that wasn't well-enough defined and we modified it after the incident so that it'll be prevented in the future. This is how most rule changes work and we don't punish retroactively.

we killed MasterTargaryen and found stacked health potions on his person. This is a market glitch and is being exploited by the staff.

You were banned during this period of time but many players have stacked potions as a result of that glitch were all informed by myself that it's fine to use the stacked potions they got in PvP. This was understandably a mistake on my part and we've just added a rule that forbids them.

I have no problem with you bringing up your concerns about the server as we do review ourselves when people critique us; it's how Loka gets better. What I do not, however appreciate is accusations that are honestly unfounded. You're welcome to your opinions, but when you throw these nuggets out:
In reality they are just butthurt that they can't beat me.
You discredit your entire argument.

We'll seeya around X.
Just to drop a number, roughly 2k potions can be carried using the glitch, so as long as you have armor you literally could sit still and not die.
Just to drop a number, roughly 2k potions can be carried using the glitch, so as long as you have armor you literally could sit still and not die.

The market bug was only found out and about and used for less than a week, so the number of stacked potions in the wild shouldn't be too terribly high given it's no longer possible to make them.
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Sorry to see another bunch of guys go. I'm not entirely sure much of what you mentioned as "admin abuse" is actually abuse at all, as is often the case with these kinds of accusations. One thing I would say is that your suggestion that rules are "conveniently" changed after certain incidents are completely false - in actual fact we modify the rules after seeing things that we don't think are fair. Then, as crypt said, we don't enforce punishment retroactively. By no means did we say "psst hip, mopyc. We're gonna change the rules tomorrow. Why don't you go and do the thing that's due to be illegal before you get punished for it". Had you been raided by someone outside of Argus you would have found us acting in the exact same way in response to the actions we saw unfair.