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The Royal Wedding Information


New Member
I'd like to welcome anyone to join us in celebrating the marriage of NovaZephyr and Beetee_Latier on Friday, January 19, 2018! It is hosted on the coast of Alyium in the continent Garama. Anyone, no matter political affiliation, is invited, even if you don't know the bride and groom, as long as all hatred and prejudice is left at the dock. Please read the following information so you can make the most out of your time at the wedding, and be able to get in and have a good time without any hassle.

Discord: Joining the discord is not absolutely necessary, but it is highly recommended so that you can read the announcements text server to see any important changes to the plans. Even if you can't talk, we encourage guests to take advantage of our voice servers to have the best possible experience at the wedding! In general, spam in the text chats or loud noises in the voice chats will not be tolerated, and will be met with a mute or kick. You can join the discord server with this link: https://discord.gg/TTtHaKy

Attire: Although not required, the skin theme is blue and pink (pastel colors).

Arrival: There will be a boat group leaving from spawn at exactly 7:30 PM EST. It is undecided whether guests will travel by boat or airship, but look to Skeletonhunter36 at spawn, as he will be leading the group in either case. Be sure to join the Arrival voice chat so you can communicate and make sure you are at the right place. Anyone engaging in PvP during the transportation of guests will be denied entry to the wedding. In the case that guests do travel by boat, please refrain from getting out of your boat until you reach the Alyium dock. If you arrive at spawn after the group leaves, you can boat to the Alyium dock yourself by boating to the coords X: 7310 Y: 64 Z: 3285. You may ONLY enter through the Alyium dock, and you must go through the security checkpoint.

Chat: Once you arrive, local chat will be the main form of in-game communication. Please do not spam local chat or use offensive language, or you will be escorted out of the wedding.

Security Checkpoint: Once on the dock, you will have to file into the security checkpoint one by one, where you will remove all armor and place it and your weapons into the provided echest. Anyone caught with armor on or weapons out will be killed immediately as we will not tolerate any violence during this celebration. Our security guards will be placed throughout the town square to make sure this rule is followed. Once you are through the checkpoint, head straight into the church to get a seat for the ceremony.

Gifts: Wedding gifts are not a requirement, but recommended, as they are a very nice gesture to the bride and groom! It is also encouraged to bring a gift for the King of Alyium for hosting this event in his city. Give your gifts to Skeletonhunter36 once you enter the church.

Ceremony: The marriage ceremony will begin at exactly 8:00 PM EST. If you arrive late, a security guard will message you and you will talk there. Do not interrupt the ceremony asking where you need to go. We ask that during the ceremony you are respectful in the discord voice chat, and although we do allow talking during that time we ask that you keep it to a minimum. Any rude guests in the voice chat during this time will be muted and/or kicked without warning.

After the ceremony, you can celebrate by joining the Dinner voice chat and heading outside of the church where you can get a seat in the outside venue, go through the buffet line, get drinks from the pub, and dance in the center town square. Dinner and drinks will be provided, free of charge. Please do not hoard drinks or food. You can recommend music by messaging the DJ on discord. We ask that you stay in the pub and outdoor seating area during this time, unless you get special permission from a guard.

Departure: After the dinner ends, guests will be escorted to the town portal where they can be teleported home. If you need to leave earlier, /msg a guard in armor, as they can escort you to the town portal.

Rules (Full List): No PvP at any time during the wedding. No weapons or armor allowed past the security checkpoints (violators will be slain). No spam, loud noises, or offensive language in the discord. Be respectful in the discord during important moments. Do not try to leave without a guard escort. Tell guards about any rule violations. Only enter through Alyium dock. Be respectful, and do not pick a fight with anyone. Do not spam local chat or use offensive language there. Have fun.

Lastly, if you see this as a way to raid Miracalis community, please do not. This is a celebration that will host a diverse group of players on Loka, including some enemies. If you do not approve of this event or the people involved, then do not attend, and allow those who want to enjoy it have a good time.

Thank you for your interest in The Royal Wedding, and we hope to see you there!
For those of us traveling by horse, (probably everyone tbh) will there be a bridge built to traverse the river to Alyium? I also assume there will be a fitting place to stable our steeds?
I bridge is being built and is almost done as well as stables for those on horseback to park :-)

I also remind you all it has been changed to Alyium!