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The Sentinel


Well-Known Member
The sun sets slowly, casting a hue of yellow light. The moon rises, filling the city with pale moonlight. A sentinel watches over Auru, guarding the citizens from all harm. He does not leave his post, never does he sleep. He is sworn to protect and guide the Aurulians for all eternity. His wisdom is deep, his knowledge an ocean reaching far below the surface. His might is stronger than the Ice Mountains, and his courage larger than Kalros itself. Loka has never known a better sentry than the Sentintal of Auru.

He was born in the north taiga, to a large family of nomads. They say when he was young, a group of bears threatened his family. On his own he fought them off, fifteen to twenty adult bears, and even as a young little thing he was revered as a hero. As he grew up, he led his people through all of Kalros, seeking safety from all threats that could put them in danger. Many others joined his group, and they all loved him as their leader.

From the Ice Mountains to the Taiga, from the Roofed Forest to the Moor, every soul learned his name. They say he was granted immortality from the Gods for his acts of heroism and courage.

He led his people far and wide, before one day stumbling across the protective stone walls of Auru. Our hero is metaphorically like the stone walls, strong, tall, forever protecting Auru. The courageous sentry made Auru his home, and his followers joined the ranks of the Valderkal. His people bonded closely to the other Aurulians, but our hero had a different destiny.

South of the mighty Spire, a staircase of stone led up a hill to the southern part of town. The Sentinel took a seat in the middle of these stairs. There he would remain, forever watching over his people, barking at any intruders. His people, the wolves of Kalros, lived in the homes of their new friends and in the a Wolf Den under the the city.

The people of Auru and Arvik named their alliance after this heroic wolf of Kalros, and he became the face of Auru. The Valderkal (Wolves of Kalros) honor the mighty Stairswolf, and in return, he will guide them until the end of time.

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