-- The story of Grubul --
Chapter I : Sanity
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The past is lost in a thick fog, and our memory can remember it only partly. Having seen the things in my childhood, i have seen, i have decided to forget it, and the memory has decayed over time. Chapter I : Sanity
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The earliest and only memory from my childhood, that i can still remember, is the voice of my brother. I remember being dragged beneath the waves by something and hearing my brother screaming.

Awakening in a sailors ship, i was glad about still being alive. When the ship was nearing the docks, the sailor asked me, if i would like his help in this land we are nearing, for i was completley alone, washed up by the sea, and saved by a passing by sailor. I agreed, and slowly he started to treat me as his son. Giving me a roof over my head and a job i would be able to do, i settled and grew stronger. Kingdom of King Travi was my home for my childhood.

When my father, the sailor, who accepted me, passed away, he gave me his house and his ship. I lived a calm live there untill the king was killed, and chaos started in the town. An arrogant king took over and was caring only about the wealth of his own pockets.
I wanted to escape, so i went to the library to find information about other lands. I found a book that told of a continent that is a few days of sailing away from the place i was at, but the path to it was told to be dangerous. I decided to set sail, and went into the ocean.

Hearing a storm incoming from ahead,i thought of turning back, but the boat was going its own way, i couldn't turn it around. The sky was strange that night. The clouds of the storm were flashing in a purple color and a mist was approaching the boat. Trying to save myself, i tied myself to the boat, so, the waves wouldn't wash me off. After a while everything went quiet, and then i heard a loud bang, and saw lightning striking in the water around me. It felt so magical. The boat was tilting and going to fall over. I heard a loud crack, and something fell on top of me, and i fell in the water. I heard another lightning strike, and i would say i felt it too. I am sure i felt it.

Why have i been in the way of these kind of events? The ocean has tryed to take me twice. My sailor father told me that cats usualy have nine lives but sailors have four, so i must have spent atleast two, and this is my third. I woke up in a tower, but i didn't have any strenght to stand up. When i woke up again, i was in a different tower. The locals helped me and told that i was in Loka. I settled in the land for a few years, and the place grew close to me. The books told me of worlds before and the world that i was in was the fourth one. The Artifact on the roof of the tower probably being the reason why i was here.

For some time i settled in the towns around, but later on created my own place. I could tell about the towns that i led, but that is another story.
When the end of the fourth world came, i was fighthing along other Lokans but at one moment the ground underneath me crumbled and i fell. When i fell, i saw Lazuli and others falling too. Suddently they all stopped at one point, but i continued to fall.

I felt my body crumbling into dust, but my concesness kept falling. A light in the void approached me. It went trought me, and after the glare went away, all i could see was ice. I had lost my body, but obtained a new one. I knew everything of the past of the person i was, and all of the past of the body i now had. I was in a cursed body, that was alive only because he had the curse. Being frozen in ice, i didnt feel the cold. I had a reptilian skin. Time passed, and the ice was melting. Trying to keep sanity was a challange, and understanding that i am still alive was even more challenging.

I settled by the coast i was at, and after some time met all of the other Lokans that i met before. In the new settlement, i met someone that i had seen before but i could not remember who it was. The settlement grew into a town, and it was named Auru. As i said before, i could go on, but that is another story.

Looking back from today, i have gone through many things, and i am glad about all of the expirience that has thaught me to appriciate everything more. But things are strange lately. I find myself at quite random locations when i wake up, and scratches on my skin and on the trees in the forrest. I don't feel quite good lately. And i feel like i am loosing contol of myself, together with my sanity.