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The Unfair Banning Of Mindblaster

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Well-Known Member
Community Rep
Hello to all,

This is the one and only mindblaster007. A few days ago I was improperly banned by Skuhoo. He bluntly accused me of breaking numerous Town Betrayal rules. He had no bases for this outrageous claim and nobody reported me for such a thing. However, he said he had every right to do so hence he saw “suspicious activity” in the server logs. I would just like to quote the rules on Town Betrayal before I go any further into this appeal.

  • You cannot help a foreign player get in to or steal from your town.

  • You cannot use a member of a town to help you enter or steal from said town.

  • You cannot return to a town you have left for 2 weeks to raid or PvP.

  • You cannot assist in, nor attempt to convince someone to let you into a town so as to steal, murder members, etc.

  • You cannot steal from your own town.

  • A town owner technically has ownership over all items within it. (i.e impossible for them to steal from their own town).

  • A town owner may destroy or edit any build within their town.

Now, since all the rules related to Town Betrayal are listed above I will continue to support my claim. Let's start with the first on the list which is “You cannot help a foreign player get in to or steal from your town.”. Yes, CaptinPurple29 was asked to help me into the town. However, he wasn't asked by me, he was asked by SilentStorm6, who is the owner of the town. Also, the exact definition of foreign is “Strange and unfamiliar.”, which I cannot be considering SilentStorm6 and I are good friends and I was a co-owner before I willingly left the town to start my own town with a few other friends. On top of all that, I was not stealing but simply borrowing the shulkers. The exact definition of stealing is “Take (another person's property) without permission or legal right and without intending to return it.”. Since I had full intent to give the shulkers and their items back, had received SilentStorm6’s permission to borrow all the shulkers, and didn’t ask CaptinPurple29 to let me in, this isn’t considered as stealing. As well SilentStorm6 giving permission to use his shulkers, this proves that I cannot and should not be punished for the following rules:

  • You cannot help a foreign player get in to or steal from your town.

  • You cannot use a member of a town to help you enter or steal from said town.

  • You cannot assist in, nor attempt to convince someone to let you into a town so as to steal, murder members, etc.

  • A town owner technically has ownership over all items within it. (i.e impossible for them to steal from their own town).

Now, let's get to how I got into the town. Yes, CaptinPurple29 opened the doors for me and mined a two-block opening for me to get into. However, SilentStorm6 also allowed CaptinPurple29 to open the doors and mine the two-block entrance. This is completely “legal” according to the rules because there is a rule listed above that states, “A town owner may destroy or edit any build within their town.”. Now, you are probably telling yourself that CaptinPurple29 isn’t the town owner. However, he was commanded to explicitly help me recover the shulkers and bring them to my town no matter what we needed to do. Isn’t the town’s owner’s command just as good as the owner doing it him/herself? On top of all that, SilentStorm6’s command to CaptinPurple29 also included joining my town to help me move the items faster than if I did it alone. Also, I can go to the town and PvP with CaptinPurple29 due to the simple fact that I left two weeks beforehand; this makes it so I cannot be punished for the rule that states “You cannot return to a town you have left for 2 weeks to raid or PvP.”. On top of all this, I cannot be punished for “You cannot steal from your own town.” due to the fact I wasn’t a member of SilentStorm6’s town.

Stated below are the exact definitions I quoted:

  • Steal


gerund or present participle: stealing

Take (another person's property) without permission or legal right and without intending to return it.

  • For·eign


Strange and unfamiliar.

Now, with all this evidence brought forward, I would like you all to listen to SilentStorm6 verify everything I just said to further support my claims.



I believe that this ban is unfair and should be pardoned, for reasons I am about to explain. First of all, as blaster stated, he was not in my town, also he had left 2 or more weeks prior to the raid/town betrayal. Second of all, I granted blaster permission to use shulkers to transport items. Also as town owner, I feel I have a choice what happens since I own all the items and the town. - SilentStorm6


Staff member
As with all cases of appeals, we try our best to gather evidence in the case that such an appeal is made:

He had no bases for this outrageous claim and nobody reported me for such a thing.

Punishments on Loka do not require a player to report them in order for them to be looked into. If any of our staff observes suspicious behavior, they will look into it. In this case, the suspicious behavior was:
  • Purple was murdered twice by mindblaster
  • Within a very short period of time, we noticed that Purple now lived in mindblaster's town.
Alone this isn't illegal, but it's pretty unusual for what looks like a raid to result in the victim suddenly joining the assailant's town. See the below quote for more.

However, he said he had every right to do so hence he saw “suspicious activity” in the server logs.

Skuhoo has no access to the server logs. I personally witnessed the above circumstances go down, thought it was very suspicious, and had Skuhoo check in on it.

Yes, CaptinPurple29 was asked to help me into the town

As far as conversations with SilentStorm in private were had, the only "directive" was seemingly that he was cool with you borrowing some empty shulkers. This could've easily been done by a simple trade at spawn, etc. I'm not entirely sure why borrowing shulkers required Purple to unlock the majority of doors in the vault/storage area of Miedzymorze, "be murdered" a couple of times, and then oddly change towns.

The conversation with SilentStorm took some interesting turns as it seems the story changed depending on the questions asked:

When asked if the overall scenario was allowed:

When clarifying allowing them to borrow the shulkers:

When informing Storm that not only did they take more shulkers than he seemed okay with:


When informing him that a bunch of the important doors around the vault were left unlocked:

Overall this paints a picture of a directive where SilentStorm allowed some shulkers to be borrowed, but that mindblaster took it as an opportunity to steal a lot more by convincing Purple to unlock the town, let him in, and then get the shulkers.

In the interest of transparency, here is the entirety of SilentStorm6 and I's conversation, so that it doesn't look like I was just trying to cherry pick the best bits to make a better case: https://pastebin.com/raw/Xn4ntgDv

Since I had full intent to give the shulkers and their items back, had received SilentStorm6’s permission to borrow all the shulkers, and didn’t ask CaptinPurple29 to let me in, this isn’t considered as stealing

As stated before, nearly ALL of the "important" doors in the storage area were unlocked and left open. In cases of this being an accident, usually a couple doors are unlocked to get in and out, but every vital door was open. This was checked by our logblocker and proven. This in no way appears like CaptinPurple being accidental.

SilentStorm6 also allowed CaptinPurple29 to open the doors and mine the two-block entrance

Again with our conversation:

Next, here are the logs of Skuhoo's conversation with mindblaster, and Purple (briefly) when approached about the scenario:

[15:13:33] [Local] Skuhoo: CaptinPurple29
[15:13:42] [Settler] CaptinPurple29: ye
[15:13:55] [Local] Skuhoo: Why did you unlock all the doors in your previous town, load everything up in shulkers that werent yours, then die to mindblaster007?
[15:14:06] [Local] Skuhoo: Town betrayal is against our rules
[15:14:18] [Settler] mindblaster007: I have permission from one of the owners to do so...
[15:14:32] [Settler] mindblaster007: Silent told me I could borrow them
[15:14:50] [Settler] mindblaster007: I plan on giving them back
[15:14:51] [Local] Skuhoo: Silent told you that you could borrow 12 shulkers filled with items?
[15:14:59] [Local] Skuhoo: I doubt that, man
[15:15:07] [Local] Skuhoo: I'll message Silent and find out
[15:15:08] You have vanished. Poof.
[15:15:11] [Local] mindblaster007: I had no clue they were filled
[15:15:41] [Local] Skuhoo: You can see they are filled from your inventory
[15:15:54] [Local] mindblaster007: I didn't look at them yet

It's interesting that beyond responding to his name, CaptinPurple said nothing here, and mindblaster did all of the talking. Also very curious that mindblaster had no idea what was in the shulkers, despite them being absolutely full of items.

While more investigation and discussions were being had, mindblaster then started asking Sku about a hypothetical situation:

[15:18:54] [Settler] mindblaster007: Skuhoo
[15:18:57] [Local] Skuhoo: Whats up
[15:19:12] [Local] mindblaster007: Was it you whos been watching me all day?
[15:19:21] [Local] Skuhoo: I got on literally 10 minutes ago
[15:19:24] [Local] mindblaster007: kk
[15:19:28] [Local] mindblaster007: A
[15:19:47] [Local] mindblaster007: So what if this was just a troll on Silent storm?
[15:20:02] [Local] mindblaster007: If he says hes kk with this all will this go away
[15:20:06] [Local] Skuhoo: What do you mean?
[15:20:19] [Local] mindblaster007: So lets say I planned a troll on Silent
[15:20:44] [Local] mindblaster007: and I took a few shulkers with the intent to give them back
[15:20:50] [Local] mindblaster007: just to play with my pal
[15:20:55] [Local] mindblaster007: Silent

The wording is important here, because it seems very much like a hypothetical situation being made up on the spot, due to being caught. Especially when he makes the comment that "If we say this is a troll, and Silent agrees, will this go away?"

As for the permaban, here is a full list of all the notes we have on mindblaster. It's important to note that mindblaster was already banned from Discord as well as muted on the forums prior to this point due to consistently and repeatedly breaking rules:
----- 12 notes -----
3 days ago by Skuhoo: Permanently banned after helping a player town betray and then lying about it
6 days ago by Aggressive_Gibon: camping town but the player kept running into em and attacking
3 weeks ago by Sparky__: Warned about 1x1 pillars <o/
1 month ago by Sparky__: Muted him for being inappropriate in public chat
1 month ago by Aggressive_Gibon: warned for language
3 months ago by Skuhoo:** Tempbanned 3 days for continued profanity in public chat. Unbelievably stubborn and refused to accept basic chat rules.
3 months ago by Magpieman: banned from forums for repeatedly being rude and offensive and starting flame wars despite numerous warnings
3 months ago by Magpieman: ban extended to a week for lying about what staff said on ban appeal
9 months ago by Aggressive_Gibon: Warned for inappropriate language specificaly while speaking to thegallowglass
9 months ago by Magpieman: swearing in public chat, warned
9 months ago by AggressiveGibon: Banned for Language after multiple warnings and disrespecting admins
9 months ago by Aggressive_Gibon: warned for language

Mindblaster has shown a blatant disregard for Loka, its players, its staff, and beyond all else, the truth. His inability to follow server rules, and thus repeat rule violations fully indicate he has no respect for the server. It's because of this his ban is permanent.
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Well-Known Member
Community Rep
First of all, you claiming that I would steal from probably my closest friend on Loka is disheartening. Also, what happened with CaptinPurple29 was just simply some playful PvP. If you go back and look at all the logs from CaptinPurple29 you would realize he has always followed me from town to town. IRL I know CaptinPurple, I go to school with him. Also, when a staff member accuses you of something wouldn’t you be scared silly? Also, since when do any of my other punishments, right or wrong, involved with this? Last I checked, and as McDanky stated, this should not affect this at all. Also, on top of that, most of my punishments are due to language, not hacking or cheating. Here we are again, SilentStorm gave me permission to borrow the shulkers and have CaptinPurple29 join my town so I don’t get why I’m still banned.

Now, you claim I have a disregard for all the players on Loka is crossing it. All I’ve ever done on Loka is to help support my fellow friends, players, and town members. Hell, I needed those shulkers to move 20+ dub chests of items from a hidden stash to my town, koi’s town, and Międzymorze. Friends are the only thing keeping me from quitting Loka. I tried to leave three times already on my own but Mr_Void99 and no_u_jw kept wanting me to come back. These two guys were probably responsible for me starting to follow the chat rules again. If you go back and recheck the notes on me you shall see that they have been spreading out further proving this.



Well-Known Member
Just to voice in as a Non-Admin person, and not even about the accusations made here -

All i could see from you even the day you were being banned was accusing admins of lies, no matter the topic, /ignoring them and everyone who disagreed with you, and just being toxic.

Saying sentences where you state that you want Crypt's Mom, and plain blunt trolling.
You even kept trolling by asking if X-ray texture packs are allowed for months now. I've read that in the first logs of your first ban, and even the day you were banned.

And from what i can read, Silent's mind changed after your ban. He was surprised hearing what you do, before it.


Active Member
Hello, This is Mr_Void99, I am here to try to help with the ban appeal of @mindblaster007 I believe that he is a good player at heart... He is one of my few friends on Loka and I do not want to see him go. While I may disapprove of him cussing and the inappropriate jokes he may make from time to time. He has changed. He doesn't not want to leave loka. Here is something that he told me that I think that proves that he is willing to change if someone gives him one more chance. He told me this without knowing that it would get out.

I want to post this in the thread but I can't cause my account is still muted-

Yeah, looking back in the past, I wasn’t such a great member of the community. I was cursing out everyone, p****** admins off, breaking rules left and right. However, I meet some really good people before the first time I was perm. Banned. Those people were what helped me change when I came back. @catfishjw and @Mr_Void99, you guys were what helped me keep a good record for a long time. I don’t think I’ve ever told you guys this but without you guys and the experience I had at Spectros, I would’ve never appealed the first time. I honestly want a future on Loka and I’m willing to do what it takes to achieve it. I’m extremely sorry about everything I’ve done in the past but I didn’t town betray this time. I asked him for those shulkers to get items from Brandenburg that my friends, @Carl_ist and @SilentStorm6, had kept there for me and my town.

So PLEASE let my friend @mindblaster007 have one more chance.... I will help him be a better player.
That is all


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I can't help but feel for Mindblaster, he wildly lacks self awareness and doesn't quite understand (espically whenever mid heated argument) what's over the line.

All this being said, he's just a simple mineman kid who wants to play Loka and makes a couple dumb mistakes a month.

Tl;Dr, mindmaster is the big bad a lot of the times but I believe deep down he's pretty harmless. Perhaps the ban is correct in this scenario but his on going forums mute kind of stops him from really making a worthwhile forum post where he represents himself instead of asking friends to do it for him.
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Well-Known Member
Community Rep
In the screenshot @Cryptite posted above, he was saying how CaptinPurple29 opened all of the doors. This made me confused because I thought Cryptite was talking about CaptinPurple29. However, I did give @mindblaster007 full permission to use twelve of my town's shulkers and to give them back when he has a chance. When I realized that he meant mindblaster007 I went back to Cryptite ASAP and tried to clarify but to no avail. mindblaster007 is a close friend of mine and I knew I could hold him to his word. Also, as mindblaster007 stated earlier we're his friends. Everyone in our friends "group" found it disheartening when you claimed he stole from us. Us being his friends know him the best and we know he wouldn't do that. Everyone in our friends "group" knew mindblaster007 was just trying to help his town out. On top of that, you said he had no disregard for Loka. That crossed a line because lots of us who are close to him know he is always willing to help us out when we need it


Active Member
I don't know MindBlaster very well, be he seems like a good kid. I mean, everyone makes mistakes every once in a while, it's only human. I for one, have made a lot of mistakes in my life, but I always fix them, and most importantly I always learn from them. I think he should be giving another chance to prove himself. I know he can make better decisions in the future, he just has learn from his mistakes and never forget the important lessons he has learned from them. Sincerely Blazeslayer, High Lord Executioner of Drachensfestung, and former King of Volterra.


Well-Known Member
He was only permbanned because he had enough tempbans from being arrogant and not listening to the admins. I'm not saying that I agree with this ban or not. I am just saying he only was permbanned from his own mistakes from before.


Well-Known Member
I don't know MindBlaster very well, be he seems like a good kid. I mean, everyone makes mistakes every once in a while, it's only human. I for one, have made a lot of mistakes in my life, but I always fix them, and most importantly I always learn from them. I think he should be giving another chance to prove himself. I know he can make better decisions in the future, he just has learn from his mistakes and never forget the important lessons he has learned from them. Sincerely Blazeslayer, High Lord Executioner of Drachensfestung, and former King of Volterra.
See it's ok to make mistakes but it is not ok to repeat them with out caring. Blaster should learn from his mistakes not just wait for his punishment to end and get another week ban for being rude in Public chat. If you are trying to make the argument that blaster has changed then that's fine but it's been about a week since his perm ban. Forgive me for being a bit skeptical but I personally think that a claim of him changing is somewhat of a ploy and that if he were to come back he would be likely to once again make the same mistakes. I have nothing against Blaster. He's not that bad of a guy but his disregard for the rules of loka definitely constitutes this ban to last a while. Blaster needs to learn that his actions have consequences. If he really does change then he'l be able to come back in the future but for now he deserves it.


Well-Known Member
Hey @Steve5729, on the note discussion that mindblaster has changed there is some form of evidence potentially for this.

As we can see with Crypt's punishment log there, recently he has been punished less and less espically for repeat breaking rules.

This isn't to say that breaking the rules is valid as long as it's done once but he definitely is making an effort to a degree.

My fault with mindblaster here isn't the idea he keeps breaking the same rules, it's more that he fails to make himself fimiliar with the rules.


Just from my personal readings on this and my own personal opinions, it's seem that the staff are not at fault anywhere in this ban,
Mindblaster has:
  • Consistently broken the most basic of rules on Loka.
  • Very obviously had a more ulterior motive during his "Raid" on Silent
    • Both parties in this situation seemed to change their own reports depending on another person's response
    • Their discussion soon became him attempting to bend the wording of the rules to make himself believe he was in the right.
  • He tends to continue to bend rules and then attempts to defend his own actions by calling out others or bend the wording of rules to make it seem as if there was another way to interpret the rules.
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Active Member
See it's ok to make mistakes but it is not ok to repeat them with out caring. Blaster should learn from his mistakes not just wait for his punishment to end and get another week ban for being rude in Public chat. If you are trying to make the argument that blaster has changed then that's fine but it's been about a week since his perm ban. Forgive me for being a bit skeptical but I personally think that a claim of him changing is somewhat of a ploy and that if he were to come back he would be likely to once again make the same mistakes. I have nothing against Blaster. He's not that bad of a guy but his disregard for the rules of loka definitely constitutes this ban to last a while. Blaster needs to learn that his actions have consequences. If he really does change then he'l be able to come back in the future but for now he deserves it.
Yeah, now that I am reading more about what happened. I think you are right Steve. He does need time to think about what he has done. It is obvious that he is simply too immature for Loka. Probably going to have to be at least a year or so, just to give him time to clean up his act.


Well-Known Member
Just for reference here is a full list of rules I've either heard him admit to breaking or are shown in Cryptite's post:
(Several have been multiple times.)

1.6. No one by one block towers unless you remove them immediately after use. (if someone could remind me why this is a rule, that'd be great.)
3.1. No texture packs that make any blocks transparent that are not transparent in the default pack.
6.1. Don't use any words in public chat that could be seen as offensive, as all ages play on the server. 6 times
6.3. Do not purposefully agitate or disrupt the community by means of Trolling, harassment, or sarcasm.
8. Respect Admins (While not written it should be understood not to lie to Admins). 2 times
13.3. You cannot use a member of a town to help you enter or steal from said town.


Active Member
Just for reference here is a full list of rules I've either heard him admit to breaking or are shown in Cryptite's post:
(Several have been multiple times.)

1.6. No one by one block towers unless you remove them immediately after use. (if someone could remind me why this is a rule, that'd be great.)
3.1. No texture packs that make any blocks transparent that are not transparent in the default pack.
6.1. Don't use any words in public chat that could be seen as offensive, as all ages play on the server. 6 times
6.3. Do not purposefully agitate or disrupt the community by means of Trolling, harassment, or sarcasm.
8. Respect Admins (While not written it should be understood not to lie to Admins). 2 times
13.3. You cannot use a member of a town to help you enter or steal from said town.
People are not supposed to leave one by one block towers because they look very ugly and unnatural. As you likely already know, people tend to do this a lot, and it just looks really bad around a area that is supposed to look nice and neat.
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