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Thoughts of an Insane Lokan


Where am I? Oh yeah I was in battle, guess i’m slipping between the realm of the unbound and our own at the moment. Y’know, this feeling used to disgust me… now not as much as it used to. I guess I feel comfort at the fact this isn’t permanent. That all those gashes and wounds will just fade away. Though scars seem to stay it’s good that my consciousness seems to stay around and present with my body as my head was cut off. First it’s always the water a bit like mud in the thickness, then the dream, the same damn dream for me. It’s always a dream of me drowning, gasping for air not being able to escape. Then after what is moments but feels like an eternity of drowning and suffocating it’s over i’m back in Aladra. Nothing has really changed in the end, the beat goes on and it won’t stop. This nightmare that is life and death with the artifact continues. What is “eternal life” worth if you can still die at the same time? What is it if you feel the pain of being beheaded time after time again? It’s amazing we haven’t gone mad like the original slicers. Maybe though… just maybe this conquest and fighting is a result of our insanity being jump started after Crypt had spoken the fateful words of “Go Forth”. At least for me the artifact is a curse. Are my thoughts original? No, probably not, but are they something that should be taken into account or they just the thoughts of a Lokan gone insane from experiencing death so many times?

-Thoughts while being revived by the artifact

Special thanks to Tee and Jedoi for both helping me out on this as well as giving me the confidence to actually post this.