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Suggestion timezone stuff


Well-Known Member
Yeah this is a must. For now I would like to see a EST added onto times in game but in the future this would be lovely to have. The calendar would also be really great to see for knowing when stuff is happening.


Well-Known Member
I'm just gonna bump this suggestion with some extra feedback specifically to the calendar segment.

World of warcraft has a really good system to show world events and I wholeheartedly believe this would translate really really well into Loka.

Not only would this make the events of Loka more organised from a player perspective but it would make it more tangible.

Below is the broadest outline of the calendar I could find (I'm unsure if it's up to date). Point being that if this was to be executed as a classic player menu (think VS) it would be really simplistic from a players perspective and intuitive. Also going into the future it would be beneficial especially if world events or really any kind of events become more frequent.



Staff member
I'm just gonna bump this suggestion with some extra feedback specifically to the calendar segment.

World of warcraft has a really good system to show world events and I wholeheartedly believe this would translate really really well into Loka.

Not only would this make the events of Loka more organised from a player perspective but it would make it more tangible.

Below is the broadest outline of the calendar I could find (I'm unsure if it's up to date). Point being that if this was to be executed as a classic player menu (think VS) it would be really simplistic from a players perspective and intuitive. Also going into the future it would be beneficial especially if world events or really any kind of events become more frequent.

View attachment 2147

That's the idea.