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Suggestion Title: Author


Active Member
I think that there could be a new title added: Author.
You would get this title by writing Lore in the Lore section here on the forum.
Your story would have to be above 25,000 characters at least (The max is 30,000) and your story would have to get say (example) 30 comments and 30 likes.
Then after getting that you would be able to get the title: Author
Why I think this should be added: because it could get more people writing cool Lore; adding more to the coolest server in the world!


Believe it or not this has actually been discussed before, but in a different way. The lore team on the whole feels there should be a competition of sorts to get the title, like with PVP and Fishing, and didn't want it to be too common. The general decision was on a monthly or bi-monthly writing competition and the winner would get the Author Title among other smaller goodies. We had it postponed since we A) believed it wouldn't get much competition and B) could not work out all the rules and such to formulate it with everyones opinions.
I like the effort though, and maybe we will get an Author title one day.

However there is a few problems I have with your suggested solution or a way to get the Author Title. For one thing I doubt many people would willingly write over 25,000 words just for a Loka rank and someone, probably the Lore team, would have to read over 25,000 words to determine whether the story was written as a meme, is super boring, or is just all around not that compelling a story. I don't mean to sound like I'm against your idea and I'd probably be willing to read 25,000 plus words in my spare time, but it would probably take me personally a little while, I'm not sure about other admins/librarians/members of the Lore team. I love the energy but you may want to think it through before suggesting such drastic things for a title.
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