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Titles for Donations


Well-Known Member
So as someone who recently bought lore scrolls to get the "Lorekeeper" title I love the fact I have the title even if I did pay for it and not earn it. That said, I know people who have earned titles are a bit upset about it since the title "Lorekeeper" is literally the dream title for some long time players.

So my suggestions is that before it gets out of hand we redo the system a bit. My suggestion is to have flat titles associated with donations (instead of the star or including the star). Names like Supporter, Benefactor, and Patron would be great names for donators that are clear about why they are obtained and don't give the false idea about what the title means, No offense to bat but he doesn't seem like the biggest lore guy :p. I certainly love lore but even I haven't been around and working on lore nearly as long as so many other who deserve it more.

That said, I give my total permission to change the obtained title despite having paid to have the "Lorekeeper" title. As much as I love it I want to protect just how important such a title would be and would prefer one that really represent what I have done which is support the server financially.

Bat, you more than anyone I'd like to see if you agree because as the two people that have paid for the title (that i know of) it'll help if we both agree that we are okay with losing this title in exchange for another one that the admins deem more appropriate. As for everyone else what do you think? Should their be special titles for donating the signify that you are a donator instead of titles like "Lorekeeper"?

(Disclaimer: I feel like parts of this post feel like I'm telling more than asking to see a change here and I apologize!)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I agree that the lorekeeper may be a bit much, and there may be a few people that may deserve it more, however, as far as what will replace it, if anything, more conversation is necessary, because I'm sure you agree with me in that you would not have bought that package had it not been for the title included in it, seeing as I doubt I'll ever use 65 lore scrolls, that is not to say I regret it, any contribution to the server, in my opinion, is money well spent.


Staff member
We had a short debate about this. I think some folks wanted to be called Loremasters which has a heavier, more studied weight to it than just Lore keeper. That said they are very similar, so if you guys have some similar, but different-enough words to choose from, I have no issue with changing it.


Well-Known Member
Words that reflect the nature of donations are things such as "Supporter", "Benefactor", "Sponsor", "Pholanthropist", and "Patron" which I believe would be awesome titles for different types of donations.

Now, reading your comments it's true these don't really match the specific idea for buying lore scrolls and are more suited to general donation rewards. If you would prefer that a specific title still be attached to the package for buying 65 scrolls a title a little less powerful would also be interesting. Something like "Author" or "Storyteller" would portray the same feeling as Lore keeper without the implication that you are a go to person for lore. I particularly like Storyteller as it feels as if that's exactly what you're doing with the scrolls, telling a story.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Ajax, that seems like it would be a good idea, and I agree with your points, and that was my point, that while it is for supporting the server, the idea of the title is that the money was spent specifically on lore scrolls, not as a general donation.