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Implemented TNT Chain Explosions and Tile Drops


Well-Known Member
At this current moment, TNT just doesn't chain react or drop blocks when it is used.
Digging out large areas is a pain and TNT makes it possible to mine areas out much quicker (when used correctly)
Recently I got a few stacks of TNT from loot bundles and stuff I had saved up over the months and decided to use it all in making myself a big hole for a build.
I then realised that TNT didn't at all chain explode and wouldn't even drop the blocks it exploded so gave up trying to use it.

In 1.15 TNT explosions were changed to be a lot less laggy and a few blocks wouldn't send the server down to hell and back. With the changes, it'd be nice to see TNT brought back as something you can viably mine large areas with. With the combination of some form anti-lag measure which would forcefully stop TNT exploding if someone tried to create a ridiculously large explosion and with rules specifically making it clear how you should avoid lagging the server out I think it'd be safe for TNT to make a return to Loka as something you could use to mine inside of towns.


Well-Known Member
While you're on the topic generally of mining out large areas it has been in the discussion before. There have been a good few suggestion but I think either this or more effective picks are the way to go