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To Fall and Rise


Well-Known Member
Potions that dulled the pain from the damaging rain of fire could only do so much. Between the flaming arrows fired from enemy bows and the swords enchanted with fire magic, Jedoi was grateful they were battling somewhere cold, like the northernmost moor of Kalros. The only reason the sweat dripping down her face didn’t freeze was due to the heat coming off her body, for her blood was ablaze with the intensity of battle, and her ears rang with the sound of war. The cool air gave her strength to keep fighting, but not as much as the howling wolves by her side and the Aurulians she fought with. Friends had become family, and that was what the Valderkal was.

Arrows flew overhead, targeting Auru’s defenders. Hilo had the upper ground, and an advantage from this. Jedoi took a sharp gasp as an arrow pierced her leg. She scanned the hill to see a bow aimed for her, and she moved right before she was hit. She drew her own bow and aimed for the culprit, the archer Kallious. He saw her movement, and so her first arrow missed. The Hiloan archer landed another hit on her, and she winced withdrawing behind the inhibitor.

“Entelechy, go.” She whispered to a wolf beside her and she downed a potion of healing. She fletched another arrow and prepared herself, watching the dark grey wolf as he sped up the hill. He pulled behind Kallious, and the archer drew his bow. Entelechy bounded away, zig-zagging through the battlefield. Jedoi quickly stepped into the open and managed to shoot her opponent once, but only just before he managed to shoot her again.

While Kallious prepared his bow again, behind him appeared her friend and ally Xovious, who used his sword to knock the Hilo archer off-balance. As they started to fight, Jedoi glanced at Nollo, who was defending the inhibitor, then sped around the hill to see a great battle taking place between Auru’s inhibitor and Hilo’s generator. The warrior Nokiaman led several members of Arvik, including the fighters Stamp and Soug in a battle against Opyc, Matt, Bat. Jedoi drew her bow and aimed at the nearest opponent, who appeared to be Opyc, when she paused. She quickly took aim at Bat instead, proceeding to shoot and miss him.

“Jed, any extra potions?” She spun around to face the Aurulian Aviator, Benged. He was breathing heavily, and Jedoi could tell by his very dented armour that he had been fighting Hilo protectors. She pulled two potions of health from the bag on her waist and handed them to him. He thanked her and snuck back to the Hilo generator where he began fighting the protectors once more. Jedoi followed him.

Ajaxan was nearby, fighting with the Hiloan fighter Calixx. Calixx struck blow after blow on the leader of Auru, as he struggled to take aim with Stormsong. Jedoi rushed to his side to try and help, only managing to distract Calixx for a moment. That moment was all the Aurulian archer Neostar needed to shoot him and let Ajax escape to heal, who then joined the battle between the leaders of Arvik and Hilo.

Jedoi found Ben and Kyle fighting protectors and working on taking down the Generator, while Shadow Fox guarded them, ensuring no Hiloans could interrupt them.

It was going well, the Valderkal outnumbered Hilo, and every member of the latter was busy fighting, letting Aurulians focus on winning the battle. It looked as if the Wolves of Kalros might emerge victorious from this fight.

Then Eldritch arrived.


Fighters from Ascalon marched forward, led by the mighty Skuhoo. His skill in battle was so well known and feared it was rumored by his enemies that he used dark magic to enhance his strength. Beside the Lord of Eldritch was the nomadic raider Cashmere, who bore the wide grin of a maniac.

With the strength of a hundred warriors, Skuhoo swept through the battle. As he charged down the mountain behind the Generator, he quickly took out Shadow Fox, and a couple of heartbeats later, the Artifact had to rescue Kyle and Ben from death. He jumped into the large fight, and with only two strikes the King of Arvik fell.In the blink of an eye Stamp followed. Nokia stood up to him and survived for a few minutes, but even the Arvik’s High General was no match for the Lord of Eldritch.

While Sku was busy, Ajax managed to kill Lottaine, but shortly followed his victim at the hands of Opyc. As the Leader of Hilo swung his blade at Ajaxan, he dropped Stormsong into the snow. The leader of Auru vanished as the Artifact took hold of him, whisking him to safety. Opyc picked up the fallen Aurulian’s bow. Not far away, Xovious had killed Kallious and was battling with Calixx, but the General of Auru was tired. He stood strong for awhile, but finally Calixx got the upper ground. Xovious fell and found himself back in Aladra with the others.

Bat charged the inhibitor and fought the last defenders, Nollo and Jedoi. The fight did not last long. The darkness of the Unbound swallowed them without a second thought.

The blood of Aurulians stained the snow crimson.


Eyes fluttered open to see the bright blue skies of Aladra. The sounds of birds and bells coming from the ports and the soft muttering of people, the sounds of life, soothed the formerly dead warriors. With a glance Jedoi found the other members of Auru. Xovious glowered with rage as Hiloans began appearing in the square, which only meant the battle had to be over and lost.

Skuhoo appeared behind them shortly, and without a glance to the fallen Aurulians strode to the town portal. Xovious and Ajaxan followed him through the same portal, but their souls, being bound to another city, caused them to arrive in Auru. The others followed before they could hear anything Hilo said.

“Hey,” Ajaxan turned to address everyone as they came through the portal. “Don't lose hope. The war is far from over.”