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To Magpieman and the community.


Well-Known Member
You were the first to speak against a problem i had in myself, that i blamed elsewhere, and i let everything that was Held in me over your head. I disrespected You, both as a leader and a friend, just because i did not agree to something. I said bad words to You.

You were right. I did push my own agenda, i guess. I did things secretly (asking others to break rules, for my own good (creating town)). I annoyed the admin team too often. And i quit in a even more awfull way, by abusing the powers before they were taken away. Duping mainly.

I did bad things.

But all i want to say to You is, that i am soory. My real life going shitty should never have been an excuse to hurt the people that were looking up to me, and that lifted me up, when i was nothing.

I am soory. You dont have to forgive me, just know, that i am soory.

To the Community
I also would like to apologise to the community. Anyone i hurt and anyone that was looking up to me and got dissapointment. I regret saying bad things about the community and other people. Im trying to leave these things behind. It wont change the fact that i did what i did.

You all have a great server owners here, and admins too.

This game is meant to have fun. Dont take things so personally, if something is not going so well, and i will try to do the same.

Best luck to all of You!