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ToretayX ban appeal

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New Member
IGN ToretayX


My last appeal:https: //forums.lokamc.com/threads/toretaywin-unban-appeal.8372/

Hello Lokans, 9.5 months ago I was banned for refusing to turn on the screen, I'm very sorry for doing such a stupid thing, I know what I did was very stupid, but all my friends were banned, so I said nothing would happen if I took a bath and I resorted to cheating, and then I realized that it's bad to spoil people's enjoyment of the game and I'm very sorry for what I did. Back then all my close friends were banned from loka so i decided to cheat in ranked duels. I know this is no excuse to my actions but i believe that in my 9.5 months of being banned i have changed and learnt to respect other players' experiences which i impacted negatively through cheating. I want to apologize to everyone who i have cheated against in ranked duels, and also to skuhoo for having wasted his time by pretending to be afk.During the time I was banned, I did not use any alt-accounts to ban evade, as far as i could tell,I was respectful and I behaved well to the community and so I want my ban to be opened and I want to spend a nice summer with my friends I apologize for taking your time and have a good day.


Active Member
-1 weird hacker bro was cheating every ranked every gank everything DONT UNBAN HIM NEVER UNBAN CHEATERSS
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