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Suggestion Town Builder Suggestions


Active Member
Currently, you can't see what town you're builder in, or for how much longer, using any of the /town builder commands such as /town builder list. I think you should be able to see that information using a command.

I also think that when adding people, you should be able to choose the time they're builder in your town for (hour increments, from 1 hours to a week)

Personally, I think the first suggestion should definitely be implemented, the second one is more of a quality of life improvement.
I like the idea of adding a specific time set to add someone. Adding someone for a week is probably not going to happen simply because A. It's way too long for a builder and B. The dual citizenship dealio. I do wish you could see which town you're a builder in though, that'd be really nice.
Also to add I feel that making it so that builder can be given for a specific amount of time in hour increments would be pretty comparable to removing yourself as builder so I'm not sure if adding both features would be necessary, if removing yourself as a builder is ever coming to begin with (been months since that suggestion was made).
I really would like to see removing yourself as a builder come to reality, as long as you either get teleported to spawn afterward or have to be outside of the town to do so.
(can possibly see teleported to spawn getting cheesed so probably just require a player to be out of the town)
I really would like to see removing yourself as a builder come to reality, as long as you either get teleported to spawn afterward or have to be outside of the town to do so.
(can possibly see teleported to spawn getting cheesed so probably just require a player to be out of the town)
I think removing yourself as builder would be nice but at some point the suggestion was either just not implemented or Mag/Crypt changed their minds on it but either way I think it only makes sense to add this in. Not allowing it is typically only going to save someone a DM to the town they're builder in and the 20 seconds it takes to type the command.
Not allowing it is typically only going to save someone a DM to the town they're builder in and the 20 seconds it takes to type the command.
Not necessarily, when I was building brewers for multiple towns, I had to wait out my builder bc the owner of that town was EU.
Not necessarily, when I was building brewers for multiple towns, I had to wait out my builder bc the owner of that town was EU.
Generally though most people are able to get it removed quickly (at least in my experience), especially with the crazy activity that this server has had for the past few months, but ultimately it does depend on time zones a lot as well.