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Suggestion Town Building QOL Suggestions


Well-Known Member
I'd like to suggest a few things for QOL of building towns, and hopefully others can chime in with their ideas as well.
  • Ability to connect leads to any two fences as though they are entities
  • Make trapdoors function like signs for chair blocks
  • Debug stick for blocks in town
  • Fix the bug with logs and other protected resources
  • Flip iron doors and trapdoors at will for builds (if it's a no to the debug stick)
  • Some way to float things like lanterns and torches
  • Easy way to place armor stands inside of glass maybe?
Although not exactly building:
  • Easy way to create zones which fit the shape of buildings and rooms to allow for more unique shapes?
Again, these are just some suggestions that I would like to see and would like to hear everyone else's thoughts.


Well-Known Member
Easy way to create zones which fit the shape of buildings and rooms to allow for more unique shapes?
I would suggest a command that could zone a room like this hole filler on reddit, as a sort of Auto zoning feature that could make it easier for people who are not as adept at zoning. It could also do stuff like zone 1 block out from glass blocks to prevent getting stuck inside a zone after you pearled in, etc.