So one thing that I often see is people wanting to make their towns unique. Which does make a lot of sense no one wants to make just any old town. They want to make THE town. Each town strives to be unique and original. For the most part, they are succeeding! I've often heard people wish that they could have some other customization stuff for various things.
One I haven't heard to much that I honestly think would be interesting is to have towns pick town colors as well as banners. It would be pretty simple to. They hold the color wool they want to be their primary color, set it, and done. Then they hold the color they want to be their secondary color, set it, and done. And now these colors can be used to customize things that are normally out of the control of the towns. Things such as tgens, inhibs and capital buildings. Even things like the new map color for their town can be decided this way. It gives towns just a big more control over making themselves unique in their own way. Also, because it is purely asthetic, there is no right and wrong to it either.
Some other ideas as well, are things like custom drinks and foods. Its been talked about in many ways but you could imagine implementing it like this. When your town chooses a food (it has to be more than just a basic food, so no carrots or potatoes) it heals one extra bar of hunger and it also has a special name. So for example, if I in Auru set bread as my special food, we could have Aurulian Rye Bread. You make it the exact same way you make normal bread, it simple replaces the bread recipe for our town members only while in town. It looks like normal bread, but it has a colored name (much like Aladrian Sweetbread) and it heals slightly more hunger. Now this could be argued as being abusive, so you could restrict the bread to not have this effect in combat as to prevent combat use and using even this slight boost in hunger to your advatage.
You don't just have to stop at food though, you could imagine that this can be done for drinks as well. All brewing drinks can be used in the same way to allow your town only to give them a special name on crafting. Obviously this is a bit harder but it would be very cool! I'd love to go to the Aurulian
Tavern, sit down with some Golden Aurulian Meed and a Kalrosian Sweet cake.
So we've covered Town Colors, Specialty food and drink and finally, Armor. Right now, if I want to name my Armor it cost me one level, not too big a deal but I'd love it if Armor normally crafted in Auru would be named something like "Aurulian Chestplate" instead. Now of course you have different type of armor, but if it defaulted to diamond I think everyone would be happy.
Do y'all have any other ideas for ways to help towns be special? Everything above could be a default or maybe instead its a level up perk for towns. So as they level up they can become more and more diverse. Most of these offer no real advantage they simply give you the ability to distinguish your town and make your name known.
One I haven't heard to much that I honestly think would be interesting is to have towns pick town colors as well as banners. It would be pretty simple to. They hold the color wool they want to be their primary color, set it, and done. Then they hold the color they want to be their secondary color, set it, and done. And now these colors can be used to customize things that are normally out of the control of the towns. Things such as tgens, inhibs and capital buildings. Even things like the new map color for their town can be decided this way. It gives towns just a big more control over making themselves unique in their own way. Also, because it is purely asthetic, there is no right and wrong to it either.
Some other ideas as well, are things like custom drinks and foods. Its been talked about in many ways but you could imagine implementing it like this. When your town chooses a food (it has to be more than just a basic food, so no carrots or potatoes) it heals one extra bar of hunger and it also has a special name. So for example, if I in Auru set bread as my special food, we could have Aurulian Rye Bread. You make it the exact same way you make normal bread, it simple replaces the bread recipe for our town members only while in town. It looks like normal bread, but it has a colored name (much like Aladrian Sweetbread) and it heals slightly more hunger. Now this could be argued as being abusive, so you could restrict the bread to not have this effect in combat as to prevent combat use and using even this slight boost in hunger to your advatage.
You don't just have to stop at food though, you could imagine that this can be done for drinks as well. All brewing drinks can be used in the same way to allow your town only to give them a special name on crafting. Obviously this is a bit harder but it would be very cool! I'd love to go to the Aurulian
Tavern, sit down with some Golden Aurulian Meed and a Kalrosian Sweet cake.
So we've covered Town Colors, Specialty food and drink and finally, Armor. Right now, if I want to name my Armor it cost me one level, not too big a deal but I'd love it if Armor normally crafted in Auru would be named something like "Aurulian Chestplate" instead. Now of course you have different type of armor, but if it defaulted to diamond I think everyone would be happy.
Do y'all have any other ideas for ways to help towns be special? Everything above could be a default or maybe instead its a level up perk for towns. So as they level up they can become more and more diverse. Most of these offer no real advantage they simply give you the ability to distinguish your town and make your name known.