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Implement in Future Town Colors Dilemma


Well-Known Member
Helloo everyone,

I have not had the opportunity to see a thread posted like this so if you do see one, please redirect me to it. I have a bit of a problem with the whole town coloring thing and would like to spark a conversation on it and a rationale as to why the current mechanics are the way that they are currently.

Issue 1: Let's say you have a town, and you get to choose a town color (with the limited options we already have of what colors to choose). Then you join an alliance and that town color is now shifted to the color of the alliance that you are in which I am completely here for. However, my issue with this is that I cant choose any town color right now because everyone has used them up already, however, because they are in an alliance, the initial town color the town used prior to joining the alliance is still unavailable, which means the colors aren't even being used to their fullest potential on the map.

I did have a couple of suggestions as I felt it would be necessary to provide rather than just submitting a complaint without any way to possibly fix it.

1. If a town joins an alliance and their town color is converted to the color of that alliance that town subsequently loses their color and revert back to the default color if an alliance falls or what have you.

2. We have more color options for towns if possible (Not to mention that towns are growing and popping up everywhere, and they exceed the color limit already as is of what colors can be used for a town).

Issue #2
The town color "Dark Red" is actually brown, and I was wondering if we could have a brown color and an actual dark red color. If that's possible, if not it is fine!

Anyways, I would like to spark conversation about this and please bring any knowledge that I don't know about to the table so you can educate me if I am missing anything about my issues and possible fixes to them. Thank you!
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