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Town Customs


Town customs are very important to the character of the towns and many denizens of this server, so I would like all of you to list them out. It can be from your current town, other active towns, and even towns that have fallen from the past. It would also be nice if one can list out some customs from the old worlds, like the sacrificial event involving alcohol and bones (which I can't find the thread, sadly).


Staff member
The only major custom of my lost town of Asgard was a leap of faith platform at the height of the world. You could make the jump by landing in water... or fail... This was the initiative right of all Asgardians.


Well-Known Member
Asgard- The Asgardian Rite was a thing in Asgard when people would read the top of the Great Hall and then fall into the water far below. Crypt could probably give you more information about it.

Talongon- We called ourselves the horse town. Every single member had a horse, always. The roads and doors were big enough so that people could always fit their horses through. :D They were super important to us.

Dellsmite- Literally just... Friendship. We'd have talent shows in skype, prank each other, create languages and had a billion inside jokes. We had a motto created by the wonderful Lazuli73, "Alone we may survive, but together we shall thrive."

Citadel- Many of us had pet pigs. We worshipped the Asgardian goddess Freyjia and the Conputernite god Antioch.

Freesia- We were a "democratic monarchy" (??) and loved flowers and wolves. We had custom titles, like Kaideu, Dekkai, Mataru, and Pataru. (Roughly translating to Queen, King, Princess, and Prince.)

EDIT: I wrote this earlier but forgot to hit post reply. I see Crypt already explained Asgard's. Whoops.


Well-Known Member

Haven's members worship the pagan god, Baal, with acts of violence and self indulgence in highly ritualized ceremonies consisting of animal sacrifices and the consumption of blessed absinthe.


Auru members tend to collect wolves in bulk, either as part of the beginning quests or just because. There's also a new custom which I'm working on creating where all new members are given alcohol as they enter town and become drunk (I may or may not have gotten in trouble a few times for trying, but I will continue :p).


If I remember correctly from last map in Camelot one of the traditions was in order to join the town you had to duel your way in.
In Auru I would also say losing your first enderpearl is a tradition by all members. (but I might be wrong on this one)


Well-Known Member
Everyone is constantly losing enderpearls, I keep like three stacks on me at all times for y'all. I do think we need some new customs, and I'm about to go ahead and establish a bit one here soon.