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Suggestion Town Hibernation to prevent towns falling due to inactivity


Active Member
I haven't been on loka long and I've already seen many towns fall, all of them falling for one reason: Inactivity.

I've also seen players attacking friendly towns in an effort to keep them alive while the town's members are away.

My suggestion to combat this is 'hibernation' - a state a town can enter to keep themselves alive for a period of inactivity.
If a player knows they aren't going to be online for a period of time they can enter hibernation as a way of insuring their survival for that time.
Basically a town would sacrifice territories, becoming capital, and some power shards to enter hibernation; in which they cannot attack, defend or buy and sell.
hibernation might come in levels: highest protects the town for longer and is more strong than lowest.
Higher the level, more sacrifices must be made.
To prevent players exploiting this there would need to be some features such as; if a high level town player comes online, the hibernation is cancelled.

I'm not sure about specifics, but you get the basic idea: a way to survive going on holiday for ages or having loss of wifi or something like that


Well-Known Member
I haven't been on loka long and I've already seen many towns fall, all of them falling for one reason: Inactivity.

My suggestion to combat this is 'hibernation' - a state a town can enter to keep themselves alive for a period of inactivity.

Towns falling due to inactivity is the game by design. Towns must fall for other towns to have the ability to prosper or even pop up in the first place.

Players get bored and sadly that's just how it works; if Loka was to try and combat inactivity in town I'd argue that it would be constructive to introduce new game play mechanics which is what they're already planning on doing.


Yknow I kinda like this idea if it's changed up a bit. Your idea of preventing exploitation needs fixing because it's kinda subjective and there should be stronger penalties for choosing to hibernate so as to prevent cheesing.

If a town really needs to go inactive for a short period of time like 1 week then it could work. The penalty for going into hibernation could be no industry production, obviously no conquest allowed for the town, maybe have to pay back the shards that you accrue during your hibernation when you come back, etc. If something like this were implemented, it'd probably have to have a limit of like 1-2 weeks every 3 months and instead of removing/reducing shard cost, just take away the exponential upkeep cost that occurs in inactive towns when they don't have 3 active members. Maybe even put hibernation of a town up to a vote among the town members so an owner can't prevent their whole town from hibernating when they go off to Maui for 3 days.


Well-Known Member
This is what happened with my town of Arcanuan. I went innactive and my town members couldn't pay. The way you say it right now makes no sense for Loka's design, but this feature updated might be a good idea.