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Town Location Suggestions


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't ask other people personally, figure out your own place, pick a few territories that you think will look good, and then go scout them out in-game, it's much better and more rewarding finding your own perfect canvas that you have building ideas for, rather than something else someone random has picked out for you, that being said, if you don't really wanna deal with conquest rn, kalros and garama are good picks :).

Good luck with your search!


Well-Known Member
that being said, if you don't really wanna deal with conquest rn, kalros and garama are good picks :).
Garama is most likely your best chance of having a semi-decent amount of land as long as you don't steal the biome from people they most likely won't attack you.

Depending where in Kalros you settle you may not be able to have much land to be able to enjoy your industries.

Ascalon you're at the mercy of big bad baldo if they ever need easy strength from the tides of war shifting