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Implement in Future Town Mastery Needs an Update


Well-Known Member
I think Town Mastery needs a total update in general, however something that Town Mastery could desperately use is a way to view current progress to the next level. This way you players have some sort of way to find out how much grinding they need to do in order to get to the next level instead of just wondering.
While we do have updates planned for at least modernizing/rebalancing town mastery (a fair amount of newer blocks don't count for mastery levels), it is intentional that we don't provide very precise information on progress of town mastery. We don't want players to (more than they already do) min/max to find the exact best things to do to level towns.

"Just doing things in Minecraft" is meant to help level your town. We don't want people just crafting 1 thing 3000 times because it's the one single most valuable item to craft, etc.
(a fair amount of newer blocks don't count for mastery levels)
Getting these newer blocks to be compatible with town masteries is definitely something that I would like to see at some point soon. With Minecraft adding all kinds of new stuff every single update, it's very important to keep this all up to date.
"Just doing things in Minecraft" is meant to help level your town. We don't want people just crafting 1 thing 3000 times because it's the one single most valuable item to craft, etc.
I think I agree with Crypt on this one. You shouldn't just be able to spam level your town up using a block that happens to give a really high leveling reward. Fixing stuff that doesn't currently level your town up is definitely moreso the direction to go with this.
On a semi-related note, and it could just be that my town is poorly organized, the PVP masteries are unreasonably demanding to level up in. It's not possible for every town to grind PVP or be deep into conquest over the long term. PVP action is inaccessible most of the time, even if you actively seek it out. Maybe the big boy uberlokan towns don't have this problem, but it's frustrating to stagnate at below level 25 when all other masteries are at level 50+.
On a semi-related note, and it could just be that my town is poorly organized, the PVP masteries are unreasonably demanding to level up in. It's not possible for every town to grind PVP or be deep into conquest over the long term. PVP action is inaccessible most of the time, even if you actively seek it out. Maybe the big boy uberlokan towns don't have this problem, but it's frustrating to stagnate at below level 25 when all other masteries are at level 50+.
I would agree with you, but isn't this the case for most everything else? Towns like Sandsete are inevitably going to have much higher building and excavation levels than a town like Euphoria or Astro that focuses mostly on PvP. It's also why they aren't capped at 50, but rather 100. Level 25 towns aren't supposed to be a common occurrence either, but rather an achievement. With the new Rivina updates, I would suggest you take a tile on there and convince other smaller towns with lower PvP levels to have some fun conquest with you. It's 10v10 which is still extremely doable without huge recruitment wars needed. With battlegrounds being readded, this should also help with town leveling.
"Just doing things in Minecraft" is meant to help level your town. We don't want people just crafting 1 thing 3000 times because it's the one single most valuable item to craft, etc.
town levels are impossibly hard to get by just playing minecraft. I cant imagine how you would get things like engineering levels without crafting thousands of jukeboxes or getting cooking levels without having to craft a million shulkers of bread. If people knew what types of things would get them levels, I'm sure more people would be encouraged to go out and spend some time leveling up their town.
If people knew what types of things would get them levels, I'm sure more people would be encouraged to go out and spend some time leveling up their town.
I mean once the newer features of the game get fixed in town levels there really isn't a reason to tell people what exactly levels their town because pretty much everything will then level their town.
I would agree with you, but isn't this the case for most everything else? Towns like Sandsete are inevitably going to have much higher building and excavation levels than a town like Euphoria or Astro that focuses mostly on PvP. It's also why they aren't capped at 50, but rather 100. Level 25 towns aren't supposed to be a common occurrence either, but rather an achievement. With the new Rivina updates, I would suggest you take a tile on there and convince other smaller towns with lower PvP levels to have some fun conquest with you. It's 10v10 which is still extremely doable without huge recruitment wars needed. With battlegrounds being readded, this should also help with town leveling.
You're right. My quibble is that the difficulty of PVP leveling is a hard cap that forces you to adopt a PVP heavy playstyle, and that's not for many people, myself included.
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Level 25 towns aren't supposed to be a common occurrence either, but rather an achievement.
I know I talked with FoxyBearGames about this. This is why I think there needs to be new levels added to towns with new rewards. If you add more levels to towns then there is more drive for people to log onto Loka for times other than PVP. I don't see a reason for towns to even necessarily be capped at levels. Why not let towns keep leveling up. This would be so cool if you could keep leveling up and for each level you get a percentage boost to your industries for example, or new buffs that make grinding towns worth it. Have benchmark levels that are goals for towns and when they hit it they get major additions to their town, for example an increased cap of hoppers or another town portal. These also have to be balanced so that players still have to grind.

Why make it so peoples towns stop improving?
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I know I talked with FoxyBearGames about this. This is why I think there needs to be new levels added to towns with new rewards. If you add more levels to towns then there is more drive for people to log onto Loka for times other than PVP. I don't see a reason for towns to even necessarily be capped at levels. Why not let towns keep leveling up. This would be so cool if you could keep leveling up and for each level you get a percentage boost to your industries for example, or new buffs that make grinding towns worth it. Have benchmark levels that are goals for towns and when they hit it they get major additions to their town, for example an increased cap of hoppers or another town portal. These also have to be balanced so that players still have to grind.

Why make it so peoples towns stop improving?
The ideas that are currently in mind will definitely deliver on a lot of what you're saying here. To an extent some of this does exist already. For example, if you get any mastery level to 100 the tools in that industry don't get consumed. Now obviously that doesn't happen very often on the server as after a certain point leveling your town gets very hard, however it does exist. The idea that is in mind for modernizing this is essentially to be able to get small buffs and other cool little features for your town overtime as you accumulate levels above 25, which is quite similar to what you described. You do have to keep in mind this is all quite far off but I still think it's definitely worth talking about.
The ideas that are currently in mind will definitely deliver on a lot of what you're saying here. To an extent some of this does exist already. For example, if you get any mastery level to 100 the tools in that industry don't get consumed. Now obviously that doesn't happen very often on the server as after a certain point leveling your town gets very hard, however it does exist.
The problem with what is already implemented like the level 100 thing is with the difficulty reaching that milestone the reward is not significant enough. No singular town is past level 100 on anything. So it doesn't make sense that such a difficult thing to achieve would only give a town such a small reward.

It would also be cool if there was an Alliance leveling system as that would also add a customizable aspect to Loka that creates more depth. (just an idea)

I am also extremely excited about the new developments to town progression and think they are desperately needed.
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