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Town Perks Suggestions!?!?!


Active Member
So currently, we are missing a few town perks. I believe this is the current list of town perks:

This means we need a perk for Level 3, Level 16, Level 24, and Level 25.
Leave your suggestions for what you want to see below. Make sure your ideas are appropriate for their town level.


Active Member
  • Level 3: Hunter Gatherers: Farm & Fishing yield increased by 1% (Example: Chance upon fishing you gain an extra fish, Or gain an Extra wheat upon harvensting. Chance is 1.0)
  • Level 16: Agricultral Development: Farm & Fishing yield increased by 10% (Chance is 10.0)
  • Level 24: Ports: Fishing chances of Junk lowered by 10% & towns may now open up Trade Routes to other towns (Embassy Like Chest to Other towns Both Wild,Allied, Or other Allies towns.)
  • Level 25: Industrial Efficiency: Industries now convert resources at a higher rate.


Active Member
  • Level 3: Hunter Gatherers: Farm & Fishing yield increased by 1% (Example: Chance upon fishing you gain an extra fish, Or gain an Extra wheat upon harvensting. Chance is 1.0)
  • Level 16: Agricultral Development: Farm & Fishing yield increased by 10% (Chance is 10.0)
  • Level 24: Ports: Fishing chances of Junk lowered by 10% & towns may now open up Trade Routes to other towns (Embassy Like Chest to Other towns Both Wild,Allied, Or other Allies towns.)
  • Level 25: Industrial Efficiency: Industries now convert resources at a higher rate.
That's a lot of fish.


Active Member
I would like to stay away from adding enchants to thinks with perks That way you can still enchant those yourself. The amount of fish wont increase a LARGE LARGE chunk as like 10% would be like a fortune 1 or 1 looting 1 which is like 1 extra over and over maybe 2 the most extra. While the first one would be like Alot of times you just get what you normally get but you get extra some times like 1 extra. So its not alot of fish. The port just adds in the ability to trade via embassy like chest on a "trade Route" To other towns not just in the alliance. So its an upgrade like the 3 and 16 are to each other and how most the patterns are for the current list of stuff experience I and then II and so on so forth. This just adds another scaling idea that also helps out the new towns keep up with their food supplies no matter what they do..The barn should do that but you know it ties in aswell with the barn so it fits in like a good puzzle there aswell.


Active Member
Town perk suggestion for level 16 or 24: Level 0 zones. Allows players from your alliance, but not your town, to build in a defined zone for a certain period of time. This must be renewed when the timer is up, to prevent allied members from having more than one "home town". Intended for use like cross-alliance projects in a town.


Active Member
Town perk suggestion for level 16 or 24: Level 0 zones. Allows players from your alliance, but not your town, to build in a defined zone for a certain period of time. This must be renewed when the timer is up, to prevent allied members from having more than one "home town". Intended for use like cross-alliance projects in a town.
Yes yes yes yes yes yes


Active Member
I like the idea but I'd honestly rather that people have a function that just allows an owner to add a 'visitor' for up to 24 hours (max) at a time with a zone permission level.

For example:

/g visitor leasaur l:3 t:24h

Or without the 'l:' and 't:' prefixes to be simpler.


Active Member
Town perk suggestion for level 25: Access to an airship industry that allows instant travel to any allied town which also has an airship, possibly with a cooldown period of an hour or more before you can travel by airship again.


Active Member
I like the idea but I'd honestly rather that people have a function that just allows an owner to add a 'visitor' for up to 24 hours (max) at a time with a zone permission level.

For example:

/g visitor leasaur l:3 t:24h

Or without the 'l:' and 't:' prefixes to be simpler.
That could still work, and I know loads of people would love to see it in some form

Town perk suggestion for level 25: Access to an airship industry that allows instant travel to any allied town which also has an airship, possibly with a cooldown period of an hour or more before you can travel by airship again.


Well-Known Member
Town perk suggestion for level 25: Access to an airship industry that allows instant travel to any allied town which also has an airship, possibly with a cooldown period of an hour or more before you can travel by airship again.

Historically one of the few things that asy explicitly said he didn't want to see implemented was some kind of inter-town teleportation system. I am however in favour, I just wonder whether Crypt would be willing to directly contradict his bro in such a way.

I've always disagreed with the single town perms thing and I would love to see some kind of visitor system like the one you've suggested Master. I'm certainly all for more collaboration and I feel teleportation and visitor perms would be the perfect way to go about this.