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Suggestion Town Zone Notes


Well-Known Member
So this new idea comes way of inspiration from this thread, and some RP stuff I've been talking with McDanky about. The issue I have with that old suggestion of Thanius's was that it's just random tooltips. That's neat and all, but you can't be sure someone will see specific ones, and realistically how many people look at those tips very much anyways? What I want to suggest could (hopefully) have some utility in both towns and server stuff.

/g z note (zone name) (message)

That's something of how I envision the command looking. It would work so that when you walk into a zone that has a message tied to it you would have a little message pop up in your chat that goes something like "[!] There's a note tied to this area! Click here to read it." and when they click, the full message of something like "Industries need constant maintenance, please check the input and output chests!" pops up. You could also just skip that middle step entirely of having them open the full message and just have the full message appear right away, that's really just an idea of how to keep it a bit less chat spam-y. Realistically this is functionality that can simply be accomplished with signs laying around but...

1. A whole lot of signs can be kinda ugly.

2. In areas with multiple entrances this would allow you to do that without having to set a sign for every entrance.

3. People who enter are guaranteed to get the message in some capacity

4. Can just be useful in general for explaining about the town, (what is this "void storage" vault?) and can possibly be used for more server side elements like explaining what the Dreadfort is when somebody stumbles upon it (Although I imagine the admins or elders already have ways to do this).

Ultimately it's a pretty trivial thing in the grand scheme of Loka, but I know I already have a bunch of ideas on how to use it in within my town and I'm sure other people can find some good uses for it too. Anyways, if there's some issue I'm missing here, just let me know. Otherwise, thanks for enduring my latest rambling!


Well-Known Member
While where on this topic I feel kind of obligated to mention that from my experience the whole zone UI was hard to use. Love this suggestion tho.

NOTE: I only mention above to maybe create discussion about the future of towns me I navigation and the possibility of using a new GUI.


Well-Known Member
This is an amazing idea, I feel like this is a way more fleshed out and thought about idea on my suggestion and I'd absolutely love to see it implemented, I can see myself using it all across my town


Well-Known Member
Honestly this would be so helpful for so many things... industry descriptions, helpful general tips, notes about certain areas... I would definitely use this.


Staff member
Do you envision that this note appears only once for a player, per-zone? Or does it consistently show up each time you enter it?


Well-Known Member
Personally I envisioned it as a consistent, each time you enter it, thing.
I do worry that it may have a nasty tendency to spam your chat if used too much, or if you’re stepping in and out of a zone a lot though. I figure you could mitigate how spam-y it feels with my idea in the main post, but it’s still a concern. Maybe that’s just a concern of the town owners though, based on how much they want to use it.
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Well-Known Member
Sometimes I forget what certain areas in towns are used for and this would be helpful to remind me. :3


Staff member
Personally I envisioned it as a consistent, each time you enter it, thing.
I do worry that it may have a nasty tendency to spam your chat if used too much, or if you’re stepping in and out of a zone a lot though. I figure you could mitigate how spam-y it feels with my idea in the main post, but it’s still a concern. Maybe that’s just a concern of the town owners though, based on how much they want to use it.

In that case, sounds like it should be toggleable between always showing, vs learn-once kind of thing.


Well-Known Member
In that case, sounds like it should be toggleable between always showing, vs learn-once kind of thing.
I was thinking it could potentially pop on on-screen rather than in chat... is that possible? I’m sure it could be done, but I don’t know how much that would limit the character count


Active Member
This is a good idea, I think it would be quite useful. A way you could prevent the chat being spammed is maybe a ten minute cool-down or something. So lets say you enter the zone once, the message will show up. Then, if you leave and enter it before that ten minute cooldown has finished, it wont show up again.


Well-Known Member
This is a good idea, I think it would be quite useful. A way you could prevent the chat being spammed is maybe a ten minute cool-down or something. So lets say you enter the zone once, the message will show up. Then, if you leave and enter it before that ten minute cooldown has finished, it wont show up again.
Okay, but what would happen if you pushed someone with water every 10 minutes to the zone and back?


Active Member
Well, then there would be a lot of spam in the players chat. But I mean, why would that even be something to worry about? Lol


Staff member
We'd likely implement the recurring zone notification with our Occasional Messages system that we already have in place, where you're never sent a message about something but once in some definable period of time. It might be overkill to have town owners define the exact cooldown on this occasional message, but 5m is probably a fair value for starters.


Well-Known Member
That’s an oddly specific situation XD
Well it was the first situation i could really think of besides placing down a minecart down and hopefully they'll enter it. Plus I mean you could potentially discourage town folks from afking outside of houses within the surfaces so they won't die to raiders. :>