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TownChat Merge


Well-Known Member
Okay, do you know what would be both cool and useful?
If two towns, that are either allied or owned by the same person or whatever, could like, merge their townchat, so, like, I'm going to use Mythia and Der Riese as an example. I could say something, and it would say [Mythia]MinecraftJedi127: Something
and then someone in DR could respond, [DR]Leasaur: Something else. So both towns can talk, but to do this both town's leaders would have to agree with it. Or in the case of the same person owning the towns, they'd just agree with themselves or something along those lines. Like, they could do /townchat merge request DerRiese and then they would have to do /townchat merge accept Mythia or something in that general area. Then if one if them decides they don't want to do this anymore, they could do something like /townchat merge cancel DerRiese mabye. Not sure about the commands, but I just thought this would be good for allied towns and such.
I think having a kind of alliance chat would be really helpfull and woul add an aspect to the game to be really awesome .
Could be a cool idea if we introduce alliances in some way. It is, however, no longer possible to own two towns.
*whistles and walks around* Hey, look. Alliance chats..Still sound awesome. *whistles and walks away*
MinecraftJedi127 said:
*whistles and walks around* Hey, look. Alliance chats..Still sound awesome. *whistles and walks away*

Would need to implement alliances first :> It's on the list.
I saw this thread thinking it was new, and thought the exact thing I thought almost a year ago when I posted here last. I don't think coded alliances are a necessity as much as separate chat channels. Towns have town chat, but groups of wanderers only have public chat. As the server continues to grow in numbers, things that most of us don't need to see will fill chat.
As far as alliance coding goes, I'd be interested in seeing the function that it would have.
Well... Alliance chats... Two generators closely allied- perhaps the same town owning two gens which share members who want to see the same town chat- or just two towns..
We've tinkered around with ideas for Alliances in the past here and there. It's low on the priority list, so to speak, and any 'features' they would have were always kinda iffy.

At the very least, though, having a way to declare an alliance, and then being able to have a shared chat channel is what it would certainly be if nothing else.
What about the ability, if chosen, to have perms in an allied town should the owner add you? Like, how you can only have perms in one town now, maybe in two if the towns are allied?