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Suggestion Transporting mobs through docks


Well-Known Member
I go to transport a zombie pigman from the nether to Edgewind. this is the result
2020-07-28_23.08.02.png One boat travel later, this is where the pigman ends up as the boat departs:1595975612035.png
1595975671024.pngOne boat travel later, this is where the pigman ends up as the boat departs:1595975702493.png

Obviously, the problem here is that there's no actual way to get these mobs from the nether/end out to other continents. Without the nether and end portals, mobs limited to those dimensions are impossible to transport so some form of Lokan alternative needs to be put in place.
The big problem with allowing all these mobs to travel cross-continent is the fact it'd be very easy for someone to leave a bunch of hostile mobs at spawn and make life a general pain in the area. Even if they can't attack you having a ghast flying around isn't fun. Mobs that travel through a boat should despawn an hour after moving to aladra. this gives you enough time to painfully push the mob across aladra but means if someone abandons a mob at spawn it won't stay around for long.

Alternatively, you could cut out having to transport mobs through aladra and instead have boats at docks that take you straight Kalros, Garama or Ascalon but that comes at the cost of designing extra boats and things at the docks which makes things feel super clunky. It feels more streamlined to just let them through on the boats already in docks.
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Well-Known Member
There is a cap policy to add nether mobs on continents
Seems like a very weird thing to limit specifically to caps. It's not even a feature that caps can really benefit from unless you wanna start up a nether mob transportation service and waste a policy that could be used on more useful conquest things
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Well-Known Member
+1 This Would Be Super Cool! Would Be Quite Fun To Have, And, Would Let You Get Sheep, Parrots, Etc. Around Easier.