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Well-Known Member
Treecaptitator is a mod/plugin that instantly causes a tree to fall if cut with a axe, let me explain: when chopping at the base log(s) of a tree, with a axe, the whole tree falls irl. Same would go for minecaft. There are really 2 types of this plugin, one where the chopping speed is normal and all the tree falls and the other is where all the chopping time of the logs if the tree is combined.

This, like the brewing plugin, will make loka loka more realistic and it really is only a minor change. Players like Mop who is addicted to making massive trees should agree with me.
Lazuli73 said:
This, like the brewing plugin, will make loka loka more realistic and it really is only a minor change. Players like Mop who is addicted to making massive trees should agree with me.
I do like big trees, all the more reason not to be able to cut them down easily.
I assume this would never fly. Despite being more realistic, it really changes how the game is played in terms of gathering a resource. However, if we use the plugin that requires the cutting time of the entire tree for the base log it seems viable (I.E., 3 seconds per log x 5 logs high = 15 seconds to cut the base log, resulting in all of them breaking).
In my opinion, this is a mod for people who can't be bothered chopping down trees. It makes it seem more realistic, but it takes away part of vanilla Minecraft. I vote for holding onto the scrap of semi-vanilla we still have.
andrekeroxd said:
Straying too far from vanilla, imo. Drastically changes resource gathering. Sorry but nope from me.

even if done how I suggested? Still requires the same durability and time, just cuts down on floating trees being left behind and having to pillar up and cut the remainder out of the freakin sky.
The way the plugin works is that it uses up a axe = to that chopping all the block and i takes just as long t cut the tree down in one go then to chop each block.

And lord Moppington, treecaptiator only works for generated trees, not player mad cylinders made of oak logs.

This was a long shot but i personally thing that even though Loka is vanilla more realistic is kinda still vanilla in its own way,
MasterTargaryen said:
andrekeroxd said:
Straying too far from vanilla, imo. Drastically changes resource gathering. Sorry but nope from me.

even if done how I suggested? Still requires the same durability and time, just cuts down on floating trees being left behind and having to pillar up and cut the remainder out of the freakin sky.

I realize this helps aesthetically, but if the floating bits bother one so much, the player will take the effort of clearing out the floating bits. I also want you to imagine this scenario:
I decide to place my city in the middle of a jungle, but decide to make all the inside, a huge clearing.
Yes, I'll probably be done way faster and it might look great, but the effort and dedication put into it are diminished. Boasting about how I cleared all this jungle loses it's effect because we have a plugin that makes it much easier for you.
andrekeroxd said:
MasterTargaryen said:
andrekeroxd said:
Straying too far from vanilla, imo. Drastically changes resource gathering. Sorry but nope from me.

even if done how I suggested? Still requires the same durability and time, just cuts down on floating trees being left behind and having to pillar up and cut the remainder out of the freakin sky.

I realize this helps aesthetically, but if the floating bits bother one so much, the player will take the effort of clearing out the floating bits. I also want you to imagine this scenario:
I decide to place my city in the middle of a jungle, but decide to make all the inside, a huge clearing.
Yes, I'll probably be done way faster and it might look great, but the effort and dedication put into it are diminished. Boasting about how I cleared all this jungle loses it's effect because we have a plugin that makes it much easier for you.

It was just a suggestion Andre, don't have to get all snippy.
andrekeroxd said:
MasterTargaryen said:
andrekeroxd said:
Straying too far from vanilla, imo. Drastically changes resource gathering. Sorry but nope from me.

even if done how I suggested? Still requires the same durability and time, just cuts down on floating trees being left behind and having to pillar up and cut the remainder out of the freakin sky.

I realize this helps aesthetically, but if the floating bits bother one so much, the player will take the effort of clearing out the floating bits. I also want you to imagine this scenario:
I decide to place my city in the middle of a jungle, but decide to make all the inside, a huge clearing.
Yes, I'll probably be done way faster and it might look great, but the effort and dedication put into it are diminished. Boasting about how I cleared all this jungle loses it's effect because we have a plugin that makes it much easier for you.

I see your point but that plugin won't allow you to cut large trees like that. It breaks your axe instantly after breaking the bottom log. And my suggestion was to modify the break time of the base logs to be equal to the time it takes to break the whole tree. Additionally, I don't leave floating hulks of trees (which we've taken to calling 'damnits'). I break mine entirely but noobs jump on and leave a wasteland of floating oaks and such. I made my suggestion as an alternative to one log being left out of a player's laziness resulting in a hovering forest.

Still, I understand completely if this is a no-go. Just helping troubleshoot if it's explored in the future.
Lazuli73 said:
andrekeroxd said:
I decide to place my city in the middle of a jungle, but decide to make all the inside, a huge clearing.
Yes, I'll probably be done way faster and it might look great, but the effort and dedication put into it are diminished. Boasting about how I cleared all this jungle loses it's effect because we have a plugin that makes it much easier for you.

It was just a suggestion Andre, don't have to get all snippy.
... That's not snippy in the slightest. I think that analogy near enough sums up my views on the matter.
Im also saying No. Imagine if I build a very large tree. This plugin would collapse the whole thing. No way Jose.
Mtndome said:
Im also saying No. Imagine if I try build a very large tree, but then I decide to harvest it and move on. This plugin would collapse the whole thing, it would be way too easy for me. No way Jose.
It was a long shot, I will admit u didn't expect the brewing plugin to be added and when it did I thought I would try this. *srugs and let's this slide into the fail suggestions box*
Lazuli73 said:
It was a long shot, I will admit u didn't expect the brewing plugin to be added and when it did I thought I would try this. *srugs and let's this slide into the fail suggestions box*

The brew plugin was accepted because, even if it messes with new items, it doesn't drastically change the way the game is played, resources are gathered or raiding is done.

Think about it, brewing is just a couple of potions