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Unban appeal BlackMonkeyBoy

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New Member
Reason of ban: Racism
Past ign: BlackMonkeyBoy (I don't own this account anymore)
New ign :lmx

Hey everyone, I'm here to appeal my ban from May 2022. I got banned for having an inappropriate username (BlackMonkeyBoy) and using slurs. I know now how wrong that was and I'm really sorry. I was permamuted for saying the word (jigga) but I kept being immature and didn’t take it seriously. At the time, I thought it was funny, but it wasn’t. After getting banned, I didn’t care at first and kept acting badly. But after a few months, I realized how terrible my actions were. I was calling people slurs for no reason, and I’m really ashamed of that now. I’ve tried to move on and become a better person. I don’t get angry or racist over games anymore and understand why what I did was so bad I’m not the same person I was back then. I take full responsibility for my actions and really hope you’ll give me a second chance to play on the server. I miss playing and want to prove that I’ve changed and can be a positive part of the community. Thanks for considering my appeal. I hope you all have a great day.


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