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unban appeal

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New Member
Ban date :07/31/2023

alt accounts: althesap123 misticart Clouud1 (I couldn't enter the game with misticart and clouud1 accounts.) (Also there are 1sychharm and egeto__ but they are not my account.)

Ban reason: Harrassment

My last appeal: https://forums.lokamc.com/threads/blxmee-unban-appeal.8373/

Hello dear lokans and loka community.

First thing I want to say that its not a AI appeal and my english is not well so there might be some mistakes sorry about that. Also I used translate some of the parts.
This is my third appeal to lift the ban. And now I will talk about my ban.

Firstly I had a best friend who name is Koomplexxx.We met 1 year before the events. We had a very good friendship and sincerity. Then, when we started playing loka together, we started to hold grudges and get angry at each other. Then one day, when I asked him a question, he silenced me and I cursed his religious values in a way that I had never approved or defended. He then reported me to the loka admins. He was never wrong in this behavior. I think he did the right thing and I would have done the same. We made up about 2 months after the incident and our friendship began to continue in a sincere way. We are still very close friends now and chat and talk every day.My wish is to show people that I am not a bad person, that I have changed, andto be able to establish good relationships with people. Please do not think badly of me for this behavior and forgive me.

Apologize about alts. I am so sorry about that. I was very upset when I was banned. Actually, the reason for this was being away from my friends. While they were playing loka,I was standing idle and it was very depressing. So I did something I regret very much and opened the alt. I'm so sorry for what I did. My other alt accounts were not opened even though I tried to log in, but I still regretted opening them.(I have 3 alt accounts in total and I couldn't log in to the game with 2 of them.)

And finally, I would like to say that I apologize to anyone who I have offended or offended with my childish and ridiculous behavior 1 year ago. I am very sorry for my behavior.

Thank you for reading this dear lokans have a nice day.
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