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Well-Known Member
Have you ever paused to realize the feeling of being bound by neither life not death, in a realm of neither light not dark? Have you felt the terror of that moment between two absolutes, wondering if the Artifact can truly save you from drowning in the waters of this empty space?

I have.

I remember my first encounter with the this phenomenon. I remember the fear of falling, the pain of a broken body, the calmness of the moment between life and death. The terrible calmness that took away my pain and my racing heart. All was black, all was white. I was falling and I was flying. That feeling of being...

Is this what those who live and die without the Artifact feel? Our protector, our captor, does it save us from this fate? The fate of being trapped in the moments between life and death. Or do those without the Artifact never witness this middle realm of grey? Do they go from life to death without seeing this... This hell? Does the Artifact send us here to save us, protecting us from true death? Or is it inevitable to all?

Surely you've felt it? All who are unlucky enough to "die" are doomed to feel it. That feeling that can only be describing as being...



Active Member
“It's unpleasantly like being drunk."
"What's so unpleasant about being drunk?"
"You ask a glass of water.”