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Suggestion Unintuitive Town Alignment


Well-Known Member
Just a small, mostly quality-of-life related suggestion.

Currently, if I have a town set as hostile, I can choose to change that to either neutral or friendly. However, if the other town is unaware of this change, it will default back to hostile for both towns. Additionally, it gives a somewhat misleading message that the other town has set you as hostile again.

I'd suggest that if you remove another town's hostile alignment, it prompts the other town to either keep it as hostile, or mark them as neutral/friendly. Should be a relatively simple addition.

Thanks for reading.


Well-Known Member

I had reset all of our alignments in prep for a fresh new start in December, and was surprised the next day when all of the previously hostile Towns were once again hostile toeards us, not because they set it again, but because they didn't change anything and missed the memo, so to speak.


Staff member
My only gripe with this is that I often use alignments to figure out who from a specific alliance is on by neutral aligning towns that are still enemies but not immediately relevant. Also, even if players didn't do that it could get a bit spammy if a town is constantly trying to align you as neutral despite you wanting to keep them as an enemy.

Why not just message the owner of the town that you have aligned as hostile and mutually agree to set each other as neutral?


Well-Known Member
slightly related note: awhile ago I suggested to Crypt to add more colours to tab to allow us to differ between certain friendlies or enemies (different shades of red based on how immediate).

I also believe that this feature works as designed. However, why doesn't aligning as friendly work differently or the same way?