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United Caldoran Lore


Well-Known Member
The Rise of United Caldoran
caldoran.PNGDuring the golden age of the elves of Eneria, Queen Castalina and her people grew discontent with their new home. Some say it was due to the rigid terrain or the harsh weather of the mountains. In hopes of living in forestland, her people grew weak and weary of not having a land they could call their own. After the fall of Elrohir, the nomadic people traveleddasoxja-444170a3-d35a-45b8-b7ea-4551156bc2ac.jpg weary across the Ascalonian continent, tired and hungry until they reached their high elven kin in Eneria. King Sparky, first of his name, was a fair host to his people some would say. Alas, a council of grand elders (former lords of Elrohir) scheduled a meeting with the queen in secret whilst they were building a new home for themselves in Eneria. It took place on a brisk evening as Castalina was planning defenses for the port, a lord in a cloak passed the guards and walked in the direction of Castalina, "My lady, the grand council request a word with the queen of the elves. Meet us in 4 hours, at the borders of the ancient forest of Ascalon in the north. There you will find a horse and carriage waiting for you. Travel north following the stars, then you will come upon a campsite where we will be waiting for you." The man quickly walked away before the Queen had anything else to him. She turned disturbed and in curiosity as she lowered her drawing board to the side of her body. She stared longingly into the night as the man faded into the fog of the docks. A guard captain patrolling the docks walked up to the Queen curious if she was okay, "My Queen, pardon my intrusion but I am wondering if you are doing alright? Who was that man? Do we need to issue a search party?" The guard captain says urgently and concerned. Castalina turned her head and smiled at him as she walked away with the guard still standing there, now confused.

Later that evening, she left the city walls undetected and came across a border patrol of night calvary who stopped her before she could leave. Bundled up with a cloak and travel outfit, she walked towards the guards, "Halt! In the name of the King, what is your business out in the borderlands?" The guard said valiantly and sternly followed by a squadron of9687042ae760e05a06bda4598c0463b7.jpg 12 guards. The Queen took off her hood as the guards gasped, "Do not worry, it is me. Castalina. You did not see me tonight, I have a business to attend to. Do not tell the king that I am gone, if you do not hear from me for 30 days, send a search party for me in the northern ancient forest." Castalina says in a calm voice before she faded off into the nightly fog. The Guard Captain nodded and continued their patrol as if they saw nothing. Hours later she arrived at the forest and proceeded inwards. Hesitant, she dropped a pin which had the seal "Queen Mother" on it from Eneria. She knew if she dropped it, someone would come looking for her. Halfway to the forest, she came upon a castle wall, one that towered far beyond the roof of the forest. For then she stopped in awe and amazement. She quickly brought out her map to see she came across the ruins of the once prominent, Flower Village. As she walked through the gates of the city hearing nothing but the calm whistling of the wind, she saw a fire in the distance. As she continued walking, she heard a branch snap in half. Quickly, Castalina turned and drew her bow aimed in all directions. A shadowy figure rose from the shadows of the densely covered forest and was said to be 9 feet tall. Castalina turned and saw the being with her bow drawn, "I am Castalina...qu..queen mother of Eneria and Queen of the elven people. Come one step further and I will burry this arrow into your skull." Castalina said nervously and firmly. All of a sudden, 12 more beings dropped from the forest canopy and walked towards Castalina. Surrounded, she did not lower her bow. The beings walked into the light and appeared to be natives to the land, a being walked towards her taller than everyone else standing at 12 feet. He looked at Castalina as he rested his wooden spear into the ground and she was surrounded, "We are the Forest Guard, sworn protectors of the ancient forest of Ascalon. So you are the Queen everyone has been talking about huh? I can now see why they have such a strong attitude. Come with me, we have something to show you. The beings began to walk in the direction of the flame, and only did it get bigger and bigger. They came into a clearing where she then saw all of the former lords of Elrohir followed by camped Elrohiram soldiers and even old soldiers of Valinor and Eldamar who wore the royal crest. As she continued to walk through this camp, she saw people camped, soldiers, and civilians who were old and young. Castalinas eyes got super wide as she continued to walk to the lords. They both met in the middle of the town, with everyone coming out of their homes to greet her. She stopped with tears in her eyes, a lord stepped forward in the middle of the crowd and bent his knee as everyone followed except for the forest guard, "My Queen Castalina, I stand here humbly with the rest of your loyalist to ask you to create a city here for our people. After Elrohir fell, there were a lot of us who were able to escape the occupation of the Mad King Max who usurped you. We ran as far north as we could and came across the ancient forest, where we met the mighty forest guard. Natives to Ascalon, they aren't slicers like us who came with the guardians to this world. They took us to this ancient city and kept us safe ever since.", one lord said. An old man out of the crowd walked forward and bowed to the queen, "Aye my Queen, the lord is correct. We were being followed by units sent by the mad king once you had fled Elrohir. Once they got to the forest, the forest guard killed the men who tried to harm us and vowed our safety here. We went back on 7 trips to Elrohir to smuggle people out of the city."

Shocked, Castalina looked around and said, "I had..I had no idea. I thought you all had become slaves or just left and joined another kingdom. Did you hear when my armies returned to take back this kingdom? Why didn't you come home?" said a concerned Castalina. The lord looked at Castalina as he stood up and said, "My lady, we grew comfortabledasowwa-2b01e923-c046-4fd8-ab12-4fa0918b611b.jpg here. We have made a life for ourselves in these ruins, and here we shall stay. However, the council of lords heard you and the rest of the Elrohirans went to Eneria and we had to ask you to come here to ask you to lead your people, and to rule this land. We know the city is in rough shape, but given our building skills, we can tear this all down and build something great, for us. We call this place Caldoran, a kingdom in the wood, sworn to protect it by the oath of the forest guard." The Lord said with a smile of hope on his face.

The Queen stayed in Caldoran for nearly two months, and the King of Eneria had issued a state of emergency. The Guard captain confessed to the king from which he saw that night and they marched to the ancient forest borders. Meanwhile, the Queen was in a council meeting preparing to set up the council of Caldor and how the city would run. All of a sudden, a horn sounded that rung across the wood of the ancient forest. The men, women, and forest guards took arms and all began to march towards the borders of the ancient forest. King Sparky halted his army along the great border of the forest lands, as he was met with the host of the mighty forest guard who rose from the ground to protect the forest. At a standstill, Castalina came from the woods in her traditional clothing from the days of Eldamar, equipped with her battle armor. Her army stayed at the forest edge followed by the Enerian high guard staying on the other side of the field. Sparky and Cast met in the middle of the field, "I knew you would come looking for me" Cast said in a joking way. Sparky laughed with a look of relief on his face, "I am glad you are okay Cast, but it is time to come home. We have work to do in Eneria." Castalina stopped and contemplated her choice and decided to stay. She turned and saw her people and turned back and saw Eneria. Conflicted, she said, "I can not c45a902a68c7c887ec9535cdfbf5f9a5.jpgleave my people. They are survivors from Elrohir that I did not know were alive once the city was taken and under occupation. I owe a duty to my people and to the forest guard for protecting them. I will not be returning back to Eneria my king. I have a duty here." Sparky smiled in shock and turned his horse around. Before he left, he turned to Cast and said, " I will send notice to your people back in Eneria of what has happened here today. They have free passage here if they so wish. However, all of the material you have left in Eneria must remain in Eneria. It is by my command that this is to happen." Sparky said humbly and firmly. Castalina nodded and gave Sparky a nod, knowing they will likely not be in each other's company again.

Over the past months following the establishment of Caldoran, its official name would United Caldoran symbolizing thedasoxas-c9eec3e1-c04b-4e28-ab36-65cc8718022e.jpg reunification of the people of Elrohir coming back together and living in their forest as they had hoped. Most of the elves loyal to the queen in Eneria left while the rest stayed with Sparky and his company. Caldorans have since begun tearing down the once known flower village in hopes of building a kingdom for themselves one day. Since the days of Eldamar, Castalina has been reunited with her people once and for all. United as one mind and body, the Forest Guard crowned Queen Castalina as Protector of the Wood and of Caldor.
The Forest Guard have become the Queen's most elite fighting force of protectors, now sworn to defend the throne of Caldor. Only Caldorans are able to be a part of such a guard force whilst having to work their way up to that level. In hopes of being the Queen's last stamp on Char, the kingdom will remain as a staple of perseverance through all times these people have gone through.

In a common tongue today, the Caldorans are known as "The Folk of Caldoran". May their enemies recieve the wrath of Caldor.
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