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Unmute Appeal #3 Qualifled

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New Member
Hello Loka,

this is my third unmute appeal as I’ve been muted for about 2 years ( I think ) I want to say sorry to everyone I have been toxic to in the past and I have reformed myself massively. Over these 2 years I have realized my wrong doings and plan on becoming great friends with everyone in the community.

These past 2 years have gave me time to reflect on my and actions and pounce on the opportunity to better myself. I also have refrained from cussing in vcs and keeping that to a bear minimum.

I also want to apologize to our amazing staff team for whom ever I’ve offended/hurt in the past. I’ve set all the negative aside and left it in the past. I hope you guys accept my apology and have a great day!

Ign: Qualifled
+1 Qual was only 14 when he got muted and today he is 17, he's gotten less toxic over time and I believe that he is no longer the same person as he was when he first got punished
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