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Unmute Request

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New Member
Hello Loka Staff Team!

My name is gepetrus, around 6 months ago, I got permanently muted on Loka for having said the n-word in the middle of a spanish conversation, I have recently started playing more on the server, and I would like to make an appeal to my permanent mute.

This appeal, of course, comes with me regretting my actions and not repeating them.

It would be great to be able to speak again on Loka, thanks for considering my unmute.



Well-Known Member
+1 As always I believe in second chances. If he has in fact not said that word for 6 months I think he deserves another chance. I hope you have learned from the mute and will change how you act in this community and in public.

EDIT: -1 After this was shown to me I am going to have to retract my +1. I am disappointed in Gepetrus as they have not changed their actions and doesn't regret anything as this has happened extremely recently.

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