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Suggestion Update the town generator chest/npc


Well-Known Member
I have a couple ideas for this, these came from my original idea to be allowed to access your shard bag from the town generator chest to deposit shards from the bag into the tgen, but I think it would also be cool to perhaps scrap the chest, and turn it into a gui from an ender chest or something, you could be able to do stuff for the town whilst in the gui, I came up with a few ideas for what you could put here,

- place to deposit shards
- option to reset the town portal location to the tgen with the click of a button
- access to a list of town members (could use player heads to show who's who) where you can access their information, how long they've been in the town, how active they are, how much prestige they have, give 4 options for each dank you can promote/demote them to, an option to add them as an owner, add them to zones and an option to remove them from the town

This is all I can think of rn but if anyone else would like to add onto this I really think this could turn into a cool feature


Well-Known Member
This is also stuff I almost feel could be done through the TGen NPC as well. Sort of as if the NPC is like your Secretary or something. But sounds like some GOOD STUFF for future town improvements imo. Could even go as far to access all town quests there and do editing there as well. I love this idea.


Well-Known Member
I like it so long as the text-based mobile commands still work; would be cool to make the Tgen a simple clean "programming" hub, but it shouldn't replace the nice mobile functionality we have now.

It def seems like it could be used for future Town progression to do some crazy Town thingies :O


Well-Known Member
Not like I'll ever donate to keeping our town alive but if I did feel like being kind this would make life easier