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Updating your mods to 1.20.4 - All the mods you'll need for Loka with links - Updated January 1st 2024


Well-Known Member
Welcome to 1.20.4!
Here are your links to the most important mods permitted by Loka. Sodium and Optifine are NOT compatible and therefore I have made two seperate lists with mod links so you can choose whichever.
Some mods that Loka allows will not be on this list just cause I deem them as more optional. If you're interested in checking them out more info can be found here.
I'll try to keep this thread up to date between mc versions with the important mods for playing the LokaExperienceTM, if I've left something off the list that makes you rage just dm me and I'll update things accordingly.

Fabric MC - Download the installer and follow the instructions
Fabric API - Used by most fabric mods to make mod magic happen. Install the latest version then drag it into your mod folder.
MaLiLib - Necessary for Litematica to function. Install the latest version then drag it into your mod folder.
Litematica - Allows you to make holograms of builds for easier construction! Install the latest version then drag it into your mod folder.
Lithium - Lithium is a general-purpose optimization mod for Minecraft which works to improve a number of systems (game physics, mob AI, block ticking, etc) Install the latest version then drag it into your mod folder.
Sodium - Optifine alternative for even higher fps! (Learn more at the link) Install the latest version then drag it into your mod folder.
- Iris Shaders - Shaders within Sodium. (Note: it is not necessary to have Sodium installed when using this mod. Iris Shaders acts as a branch of Sodium)
- Logical Zoom - Optifine replacement for Zoom. Install the latest version then drag it into your mod folder.
- LambDynamicLights - Optifine replacement for Dynamic Lighting. Install the latest version then drag it into your mod folder.
- Fabric Capes - Optifine replacement for capes. Install the latest version then drag it into your mod folder.
- Fabric Language Kotlin - REQUIRED FOR FABRIC CAPES. Install the latest version then drag it into your mod folder.
- CIT Resewn - Enables the usage of CIT textures. (Custom Item Textures through a resource pack) Install the latest version then drag it into your mod folder.

FabricMC - Download the installer and follow the instructions
Fabric API - Used by most fabric mods to make mod magic happen. Install the latest version then drag it into your mod folder.
MaLiLib - Necessary for Litematica to function. Install the latest version then drag it into your mod folder.
Litematica - Allows you to make holograms of builds for easier construction! Install the latest version then drag it into your mod folder.
Optifine 1.20.4- Download the most recent version of Optifine for 1.20.4; Once downloaded, open the jar file and click extract and save the mod into your designated mod folder.
OptiFabric - Used to make Optifine compatible with fabric. Install the latest version then drag it into your mod folder.

DISCLAIMER: This isn't a tutorial on how to mod Minecraft. If it's your first time modding the game there are countless youtube videos and online resources to help you through the process, I'm just putting all the mod links in one place so you don't have to go looking for them.
(Page last updated: January1st 2024)
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Well-Known Member
just a heads up for some people

I recommend just using optifine, it's far better then sodium for myself and others I have spoken to, I believe this to be down to the fact Sodium isn't optimized perfectly for 1.16.3

That's just my preference atleast in this case


Staff member
just a heads up for some people

I recommend just using optifine, it's far better then sodium for myself and others I have spoken to, I believe this to be down to the fact Sodium isn't optimized perfectly for 1.16.3

That's just my preference atleast in this case

Do you by chance have an AMD graphics card? There's a compatability issue specifically with some AMD cards and Intel iGPUs.


Staff member
I compiled sodium for 1.16.3 and included the fix for AMD cards and in the same location I went from 175 fps to 355 fps.

I've attached the jar file if you want to try it yourself. Make sure you enable "Disable Driver Blacklist", save and close settings, then switch to the GL 4.3 chunk renderer.

Download: https://eldritchbot.com/sodium-fabric-mc1.16.3-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar


Well-Known Member
Do you by chance have an AMD graphics card? There's a compatability issue specifically with some AMD cards and Intel iGPUs.
I got intel processor and 1070 graphics card
no amd round here, still better for me unsure why ima stick to optifine for now, thanks for the help tho :p

edit: am gonna still try this cuz could be good
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Well-Known Member
Welcome to 1.16.4!
Here are your links to the most important mods permitted by Loka. In 1.16 we now have access to Sodium as an Optifine alternative, for that reason I've made two lists on mods needed when running sodium compared with mods ran with Optifine. Sodium and Optifine are NOT compatible.
Some mods that Loka allows will not be on this list just cause I deem them as more optional. If you're interested in checking them out more info can be found here.
I'll try to keep this thread up to date between mc versions with the important mods for playing the LokaExperienceTM, if I've left something off the list that makes you rage just dm me and I'll update things accordingly.

Fabric MC - Download the installer and follow the instructions
Fabric API - Used by most fabric mods to make mod magic happen. Install the latest version then drag it into your mod folder.
MaLiLib - Necessary for Litematica to function. Install the latest version then drag it into your mod folder.
Litematica - Allows you to make holograms of builds for easier construction! Install the latest version then drag it into your mod folder.
Sodium - Optifine alternative generally boosting fps. Lacks features like Shaders, CIT textures, Zoom and Dynamic Lighting. (a few alternatives for lost features are listed below)
Logical Zoom - Optifine alternative for Zoom. Install the latest version then drag it into your mod folder.
LambDynamicLights - Optifine alternative for Dynamic Lighting. Install the latest version then drag it into your mod folder.

FabricMC - Download the installer and follow the instructions
Fabric API - Used by most fabric mods to make mod magic happen. Install the latest version then drag it into your mod folder.
MaLiLib - Necessary for Litematica to function. Install the latest version then drag it into your mod folder.
Litematica - Allows you to make holograms of builds for easier construction! Install the latest version then drag it into your mod folder.
Optifine 1.16.4 - Download and open the file linked, once open click extract and save the mod into your designated mod folder.
OptiFabric - Used to make Optifine compatible with fabric. Install the latest version then drag it into your mod folder.

DISCLAIMER: This isn't a tutorial on how to mod Minecraft. If it's your first time modding the game there are countless youtube videos and online resources to help you through the process, I'm just putting all the mod links in one place so you don't have too.
(Page last updated: 9th November 2020)
Updated lists for 1.16.4
Sodium has yet to be updated so just use Optifine or nothing for the time being. Will update you here as soon as Sodium becomes available
Edit: My apologies Sodium 1.16.3 very much functions in 1.16.4, updated post accordingly.
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Well-Known Member
So long as your game is setup to use the 1050, Sodium would be better for FPS. If you want the custom textures for Loka and what not you'll need Optifine though. If I were you I'd do Sodium, especially when recording.
Aw shoot, forgot about the custom textures. I figure that's not something you could magically make work, @Skuhoo ?

EDIT: Did a bit of research and it appears Sodium doesn't support shaders, OF textures, dynamic lights, etc... Not sure if I want to give up the nice textures, mainly... May stick with Optifine for now unless I start lagging a bunch.
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Staff member
Hmm, trying Sodium at spawn and frames aren't great.

Outside of spawn it's around 200, though.

That FPS with your specs doesn't surprise me but is it better with OptiFine? I also noticed your resolution suggests you're not playing in fullscreen which has worse performance.