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Suggestion Valuable items stopped despawning


Active Member
Basically all I'm suggesting is a way for valuable or irreplaceable items to not be destroyed by despawning in places such as ruins and wilds, not just in towns.
Maybe valuable items just don't despawn, or if that isn't sustainable, here are some ideas I came up with:

Burial - items become tied to the blocks below them such as dirt and stone so when the blocks are destroyed, the items pop out.

skeletons - if someone dies and their items despawn, they have a chance of coming back held by skeletons. the skeletons would all of the items shared between them including armour.

on the ground - if someone drops a player head or other small blocks and they despawn, they have a chance of being placed down on the block they were on. If it can't be placed, it would be held on the ground by an invisible armour stand to make it look like it's resting on the ground

scattered - If a player dies in a ruined town, or died in a town which later becomes ruins, their stuff would be scattered throughout the ruined town's chests.

I don't expect any of these to be added, I just wanted to bring up some ideas of how to stop items despawning.
Just over a month ago, member of my town lost everything they had on them, including their elytra, As I couldn't find where they died quickly enough.
I haven't seen them online since.
I know that those items can't exactly be refunded, but I hope losing valuable gear will not be too much of an issue for players in the future.