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Veladaze Ban Appeal

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New Member
Username: veladaze
Length of Ban: Perm
Reason for ban: Hacking in Conquest (Reach and KA)
Reference: Video

Why should you get unbanned:

Reason: Dear Loka Staff and Community, I was banned for hacking back in October in my 3rd Conquest fight, exactly 102 days ago from now. I was ticked off due to someone being extremely toxic to me, so I toggled and was quickly banned. I instantly felt remorseful because of my actions since my friends were able to play and I wasn't. I apologize for my actions and won't hack again, but will also delete the client off my computer. I would like a second chance since I didn't get to enjoy this server with my friends as I was only 2 months old and had school, but now with more free time and the New Year I hope to get this chance to play again.


Hacker shame but nationalistic hack and still nationalistic even though unbanned so give chance unban for veladaze?


Active Member
It took 2 years for Nationalistic to be unbanned and it takes more than video evidence to be banned on Loka for hacking. Veladaze probably hacked in front of guardians in vanish. -1
I agree. The boy knew what he was doing. He interestingly always seems to be ticked off. -1


Old One
Staff member
Old One
We won't be revoking the ban at this time. We don't feel enough time has passed since you used egregious hacks in a conquest battle, which we take very seriously.
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