Recently previewed on stream was the upcoming Void Storage, a magical system that stores and sorts all your crap. Infinitely.
I have yet to hear from someone who dislikes this concept, aside from a few remarks about how tearing down auto-sorters is unfortunate, and I think this is the appropriate response to such a feature. This will undoubtedly take a lot of stress and micro-managing was from Towns and allow them to focus on things bigger and better. So what do you think of Void Storage? Do you have any suggests or concerns? How do you plan to categorize your items?
Here's a short feature preview I put together to condense the information of the 40-minute stream a bit.
I have yet to hear from someone who dislikes this concept, aside from a few remarks about how tearing down auto-sorters is unfortunate, and I think this is the appropriate response to such a feature. This will undoubtedly take a lot of stress and micro-managing was from Towns and allow them to focus on things bigger and better. So what do you think of Void Storage? Do you have any suggests or concerns? How do you plan to categorize your items?
Here's a short feature preview I put together to condense the information of the 40-minute stream a bit.