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Suggestion Void storage order changing.


Well-Known Member
Hi so pretty basic complaint: I want to be able to organize my items in a certain order but I'm having problems. Eg. I want the order of my stairs to go stone brick, spruce, oak, but I added them in the order oak, spruce, stone brick. In order to change It I believe I need to take all items out and re-submit them in the correct order. So the ability to swap them around would be nice. If there is already something like this let me know. Thanks.

(Btw I know clicking the item takes it to it's page, but having things in the wrong order still annoys me.)


Well-Known Member
Hi so pretty basic complaint: I want to be able to organize my items in a certain order but I'm having problems. Eg. I want the order of my stairs to go stone brick, spruce, oak, but I added them in the order oak, spruce, stone brick. In order to change It I believe I need to take all items out and re-submit them in the correct order. So the ability to swap them around would be nice. If there is already something like this let me know. Thanks.

(Btw I know clicking the item takes it to it's page, but having things in the wrong order still annoys me.)
P l e a s e.

A workaround is to take out one item, put it into another ES chest (confirming to move ALL of that item to the new chest), and then repeat the process back to the old chest. That will put the item in the last slot of your chest. So you could sort it in this way, backwards, I guess.