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VotA matchmaking and rating changes


Staff member
In order to address some of the the issues of team balance in VotA of late, there will be some upcoming changes to the way vota ratings work. Until I start putting the changes together, I can't get into any specifics but the thought is to make them much more similar to the arena elo system.

In short what this means is that the BG matchmaker will do a better job of balancing teams based on skill rather than by amount of games played. This will help with new players joining loka as they won't be seen as weak players by default.

Of course because battlegrounds are more complex than arenas, we will take more than just wins and losses into account for calculating ratings as well.


Staff member
The MMR (Matchmaking Rating) is now implemented, however it is invisible, so you won't see it for now. For the next day or two, VotA team balancing will stay as it is, however, winning/losing/performance will contribute to your MMR. After a small period of time I will likely switch the team balancing to use the new system depending on how the ratings look.


Staff member
VotA team balancing is now being done with new data from players' MMR data. It may be too soon to notice a difference, but we'll all be keeping an eye on games to see how the team balance is playing out.