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Suggestion VS marketplace?


Well-Known Member
Technically, the chests over there in the marketplace, already hold a lot of items.

it is A LOT easier to sneak+right click on void storage chests and get to desired item, than it is to do that in the marketplace, for the item you are searching for, might be after many and many pages of other things.

So my suggestion would be to take the existing void storage system, when a chest is opened in market - straight to the item list selector, and from then, simply get straight to the items you want.

not sure, how hard would it be to create such a thing, but just a thought.
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Well-Known Member
Cryptite has already said that they're planning to utilize the GUI in most aspects of Loka. I'm not staff or on the PVE team so this is purely just what I've intrepreted but I think they plan to overhaul a lot of the old menu's in place of the new layouts.