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Warning for the Word "rape".

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Well-Known Member
I would like to be cleared from a warning that was given to me for saying the word rape. It was stated that chat was to remain PG which the word "rape" falls into. I've seen many movies rated PG use the word "rape". For example, Howard the Duck uses the word rape. Also, people have stated how since it was made in 86' it wouldn't be rated like that today. However, all the movies that had ratings that didn't match to today's standards have been re-rated. Howard the Duck hasn't been therefore it is still PG.


Although I understand the basis of your argument, I believe that all it takes is some common decency to clearly see the reason for which you were warned.
Please remember that Loka is a server for people of all ages, and that should be respected, despite what a 1986 movie presents.


Well-Known Member
6. No Swearing or Offensive Behaviour
6.1. Don't use any words in public chat that could be seen as offensive, as all ages play on the server.
6.2. No racist comments or any other kind of discrimination.
6.3. Do not purposefully agitate or disrupt the community by means of Trolling, harassment, or sarcasm
-The admin team is well versed in Trolling, so don't push it. We know what Trolling is and we will not tolerate it. You can expect a nearly zero tolerance policy on this.
6.4. Don't send offensive private messages.
6.5. No offensive skins.
6.6. No offensive builds.

Saying to "keep it PG" is just the quick way of saying these rules but just because a PG movie used the word once, doesn't mean you can use it as an excuse to say it in public chat on the server or on discord.

Also a warn is not something to get too flustered about. Its just a verbal warning and there's no legitimate record kept about it. Its just once you refuse to listen and continue that a punishment will actually be handed out (changes from case to case basis obviously but this is just most times).

Rape does in fact break the Offensive Behavior rule, which is why you were warned. So you can better understand the rules. Also, just because someone disagrees with you or is explaining something to you that you misunderstand does not mean they are bashing you. It just means they're trying to help you so you don't have to deal with us badmins in a more serious manner ;)


Well-Known Member
6. No Swearing or Offensive Behaviour
6.1. Don't use any words in public chat that could be seen as offensive, as all ages play on the server.
6.2. No racist comments or any other kind of discrimination.
6.3. Do not purposefully agitate or disrupt the community by means of Trolling, harassment, or sarcasm
-The admin team is well versed in Trolling, so don't push it. We know what Trolling is and we will not tolerate it. You can expect a nearly zero tolerance policy on this.
6.4. Don't send offensive private messages.
6.5. No offensive skins.
6.6. No offensive builds.

Saying to "keep it PG" is just the quick way of saying these rules but just because a PG movie used the word once, doesn't mean you can use it as an excuse to say it in public chat on the server or on discord.

Also a warn is not something to get too flustered about. Its just a verbal warning and there's no legitimate record kept about it. Its just once you refuse to listen and continue that a punishment will actually be handed out (changes from case to case basis obviously but this is just most times).

Rape does in fact break the Offensive Behavior rule, which is why you were warned. So you can better understand the rules. Also, just because someone disagrees with you or is explaining something to you that you misunderstand does not mean they are bashing you. It just means they're trying to help you so you don't have to deal with us badmins in a more serious manner ;)
The way I said it wasn't offensive. If I said, "DeceitfulPear is a rapist!" then it would be offensive. However, I didn't say it like that.


The word rape can also be triggering to others if you didn’t know. What reason do you even have to be using this word anyways ? If you can’t see why you were warned for using that word then you shouldn’t even be using it in the first place.


Well-Known Member
The word rape can also be triggering to others if you didn’t know. What reason do you even have to be using this word anyways ? If you can’t see why you were warned for using that word then you shouldn’t even be using it in the first place.
We were joking about having Uber on Loka...


Well-Known Member
We were joking about having Uber on Loka...
Mixing Uber and Rape in anyway leads me to believe it was inappropriate. I don't see how you could make an unoffensive joke with that combination. I'm a fan of dark humor at times, but it is not appropriate for public chat and should be kept to private channels to avoid breaking any server rules.

We aren't saying these things to you because we feel like it, this is because it IS breaking the rule. You can not argue that point currently and the more you explain it, the more I believe the case is still flawed.

Also, again

It was a warn not a tempban or something. This was an appropriate response on Otaku's part and further disputing this seems to be pretty pointless and getting us nowhere. Read the rules, better understand the rules, and when staff tells you you broke a rule then relearn the rules with that in mind so you can spend less time disputing any form of punishment and more time being the best mineman you can be.

Go Fifth!
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